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Thursday, March 20, 2025


Who would have thought - that owning an item, would be enough to get you killed!!!

Yup, you read that correctly ....

They are SETTING TESLA's ON FIRE .... and you will constantly hear people say "well they check inside, first" ..... but it won't be too long before NO they will not check first.

During Late Night television - they are showing newsclips of cars buring .... and the people?  Those sitting in the audience?

Those jackasses - for lack of a better term - are actually APPLAUDING the scenes!!!!

Democrats are running around and aging them on as well!!

How about we HOSE THEM DOWN!!!!

Let's get these idiots - again, lack of a better word - are acting like spoiled, brats ... who hate being told "no" by anybody - not just Trump, not just Republicans, not just Musk - they need to be .... well .... spanked .... hard!

I'm not sure exactly who it will be that will be taken down ....

But ....let's hope they understand whatt they've done.

This is bad .... really, really bad!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Okay, so I'm listening to the nes portion of Garage Logic - holy crap how horrid can I spell today! - a podcast wich I have popped onto my site a few fimes .... I like them ...

But on today's news portion, I happened to catch a story about aMN RNCer .... his in the State legislature - in fact, he's in the part which has a 1 vote Democrat seat ....

This morning on WCCO-TV, a reporter has reported that even if he resigned it wouldn't make that much of a difference, there are already 67-66 in favor of the Democrats ....

So what's his all about?

Teenage Prostitution

However, there is an "age of concent" in the state of age 16 yrs old .... that's it - I believe it was made so high schoolers can date others over the age of 18 yrs old .... however - there is no such line, that I've heard of, in the actual law which would specify that.

Personally, I say get rid of him - BUT - just like the gal being looked at for Breaking & Entering into her step-mother's house, through a BASEMENT window, wih a crowbar/aka Break-in tools, and she used the egistature to hold off on kicking her out until after the "session" (got her trial delayed until May or June) ...

So if she can do this, why can't he do this too??

Still .... he puts a chill down my back!!!!!!

I say - LOCK 'EM BOTH UP!!!

NOW ....

It may not cnage anything ..... but it will make the state feel a little better~!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025


You may have seen, or at leas5 heard of, the Track meet which ended in a runner with a concuddion, and another runner proclaiming her innocence - and crying crocodile tears all the way.

When you watch the video - there is no question that runner #2 meant to hit runner #1 in the head with that baton ....

Runner #2's side has tried to say "from this other angle" view of the attack - sorry, there's no other word for it - shows that she obviously did not mean for it to happen.

Yeah - BUT the official tape shows her doing it .... the tape which the Officials of the Sport are using to DISQUALIFY her from the game.

Here's my understanding of the situation - Runner #2 had just won a race, and had to hurry to get to the relay race ... she had just set a new record for the first race, so she was rather "charged up" ....

While racing, runner #1 came out of no where, along the outside, and by the looks of it, looked as if she was going to win ....

And then it happened - runner 2, pulled her arm back in such a way as to NOT be in the normal "form" of the race... she SWUNG her arm not just out but also, DOWNWARD, towards runner 1's head .... 

Runner 1 ran off the track, rolled on the floor/ground, and was found to have had a concussion.

I'm sorry -- but even if you DIDN'T MEAN IT, like you say, even you must admit - you DESERVE to be PUNISHED to the maximum penalty!!!!

This isn't a case of "she said, she said" .... this isn't a case of "Oops" .... but this isn't a case of behind the scenes, in the back alley attack either ....

And for those who are low enough to be calling this girls family to make threats --- God is WATCHING YOU!!!!

You better hope this girl stays SA

FE ....

Sunday, March 09, 2025


Okay - So, I was all of 1 1/2 yrs old when this happened, yet, I can remember it very well.

Maybe it's because they taught it so much in school - maybe because I actually remember wactching it on tv .... whatever the reason, it happened and it's true.....

And I have found a video on the History CHannel's YouTube channel to tell you the story .... from a disctinct point of view .... but still, it DID happen ..... 

Let's learn ....
Let's never let this happen again!

Monday, March 03, 2025


 "Just finished a meeting with President Zelensky, he confirmed that the Ukranian people will not suppor a fake peace agreement where Putin gets everything he wants and thee are no securiy arrangements for Ukraine. "

So - who said this???

Why - its none other than Democrat Chris Murphy .... who posted it shortly after Zelensky got kicked out of the White House!

He is from the state of CT ... and has been in office since 2013 .... I had never heard of him berfore - and in 2 days, I've heard of him twice.

Once on Faulkner Focus (FNC) and one on Meet the Press (CBS) where he was there yapping about how Trump has turned his back on the nation ..... forgetting that he is NOT President of the "World" but rather just of he USA ....

Makes me scratch my head and wonder how did he find out this was going to happen?

How did Murphy know? 

The meeting started out right - but somewhere in the middle, he ticked Vance off .... maybe he rolled his eyes , or shook his head one time too often ....

But - there was a time where President Joe Biden - never hought his name would come up agains, but here we are - yelled at him too for the exact same hing!

First - Vance, should never have made fun of what he wore .... the man is in the middle of a war, for God's sake! Maybe, he doesn't have the funds at the moment for a suit ....

Secondly, dude, you should have waited unil AFTER the signing of the contract to speak out in such a manner.

Finally, Mr. Trump - can we keep Vance away from these kinds of meetings from now on????

Saturday, March 01, 2025


You likely have seen the dust up between Zelensky and President Trump .... which was actually started by Vance, btw - but you won't hear about that part on any of the network news programs ..... if I can find a clip of it, I will attach it here.

It started as a meeting between Ukraine and the Whie House to sign a deal giving the USA "Rare Mineral RIghts" in Ukraine, to pay back all that money we gave them .... doesn't even cover the price of the missles.

My understanding was, everything was good - they just needed to sit and sign the paperwork.

They decided to have a pre-signing presser .... everyone were sitting in chairs in front of the fireplace ....

Mr. Trump was speaking, when Zelensky spoke over him -Zelensky was concerned, to be soft, about there not being anything in the agreement about preventing Russia from invading again.

Trump tried to tell him that this wasn't about that .... Zelensky said that there is a whole ocean between the USA and RUssia - less than that sir - so we didn't know how it feels, but we would soon know.

Well, that kicked it off - Mr. Trump told him not to tell us how we should feel ....and then he began to speak to the press again .... and Zelensky rolled his eyes once too often for Vance to hold his tongue anylonger!!!!

He told Zelensky that he didn't seem thankful .... that he never once said "Thank you" for all that the US has done to help them ....

Trump backed Vance up -- and some how it got to the point in which Trump told Zelensky that he wasn't holding any cards - a poker reference - apparently metaphors/similes are not Zelensky's strong point (more on this later) ....

Zelensky said he wasn't playing cards - now mind you, the Ukrainian ambassador to the US was sitting right there, holding her head in disbelief - well, that ended the presser right there ....

Press was kicked out of the room, and, in general, the seperate parties would have gone into seperate rooms to calm down, and gather themselves ....

But, something must have happened - I'm going to guess something else was said after the press left ... because zelensky got kicked out of the WHite House!!

He went on to do an interview with Bret Baer/Special Report (FNC) .... 

In the interview, he kept saying he was very grateful and thankful for all that America has done for his nation.

In fact, Thank you was the biggest phrase in the interview - I'm going to guess that the ambassador straightened him out ....

at the end of the interview, he was asked if the talks could be salvaged .... to which a translator could be heard explaining what it meant from off set.

It had to be an explaination - it lasted way longer than what was asked.

We will have to see where things go from here.

I cannot see Mr. Trump supporting Russia, he might admire Putin for his style, but I just can't see him giving any real support behind him.

We will have to keep an eye on things ......

I'm going to guess the Atomic Clock is going to be set to 2 seconds now.

Friday, February 28, 2025

OMG - it has been a busy day!  Not even sure where to begin .... let's start with he Celebrity Deaths .... 

If you are a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv show) then you may remember Dawn, Buffy's suddenly there sister who turned ou to be a magical key to bring about the end of the world .... I found the character quite annoying, but she got a bit less whiney at the end .... or I just got used to it.

She was found dead in her apartment by her mother on Wednesday, 2025 Feb 26, and the official cause is listed as "Natural causes" .... did I mention that she was only in her 30's????  I'm sorry but "natural causes" doesn't apply here ....

By the sounds of it, photos on her Instagram acct showed her not looking so good - and it turns out that a couple months back she had a kidney transplant - awfully young for one of those .... but then, she has always been very skinny  I know there had been rumors of an eating disorder way back when, but I don't know if that would effect her kidneys in such a way.

I guess she had also been on some show called "Gossip Girl" .... my daughters may have watched it, I never did ... and they had just recently rebooted it, and she was playing an older version of her previous character.


Then there's the deah of Gene Hackman and his wife.

At first, the NM police came out and said nothing looked suspicious - but then someone with half a brain stepped in and said they needed to take a deeper look.

As it turns out .... the wife was laying dead in the bathroom, with an orange prescript bottle and some medicine scattered on the vanity .... on the floor next to her was a toppled space heater .... and in the closet in the bathroom, was ONE OF their dogs - a german shepherd - in a crate.

There were 2 other dogs - which survived for all the time after the deahs (more to come)

One of the daughters apparently had said she lived with them, but subsequent reports have not repeated this early report .... hmmmm.

This daughter put out that it might have been carbon monlxide poisoning, since there was the space heater .... and the cops went with that theory at first ....

And normally in a situation where there is a space heater, and a couple dies along with their pets - it would be a natural conclusion ... but .... remember those 2 dogs???

One was found running around outside, the other was found close to the wife's body .... no word on what they had lived on though .... ewwwwww.

preliminary reports show no carbon monoxide poisoning .... and it appears Hackman had a PACEMAKER .... the last activity shown as having happened 2025 Feb 17 .... so they are thinking hat was when he died.

So, if this is true - then they passed about 10 days before they had been found .... 

I have heard the 911 tapes - where someone had called that hey saw the wive through the window - but they couldn't get in because he door was locked.

The Police Report, however, said the front door was unlocked and slightly ajar - no signs of forced entry .... 

So the next question is how did that happen???

I'm hopeing there is a security system with a good camera, which will show if anyone entered the house .... or at least what might have happened.


Pope Francis is back in the hospital ... it's like his 4th time since becoming Pope ....

Sounds like he was getting ready to go home, when he started having such a severe coughing attack, that he had acually inhaled vomit.

This is how Jimmy Hendrix died .... aspersion is horrible.

But Francis is still alive ... but he will be staying in the hospital for a bit longer.

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