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Tuesday, October 15, 2024


You may have seen, by now, the clip of Tim Walz going phesant hunting in MN .... the video is all over YouTube if you haven't ....

I am actually NOT going to plop it in here - because I don't want to get into trouble ...

But I was looking .... and I found a lot of vloggers who were making comments about how he didn't seem to know how to LOAD the gun ....

The gun, Walz said, he bought back when he was shooting skeet, because it has something which makes it less painful to shoot when you get older ....

yeah ....

So - while you are watching him try to load this thing .... it's a freakin' shotgun, for God's sake, how tough can it be??

While you are watching him .... see if you think the same thing I did ...

The vlogger said, if he had just tilted it downward, it would make loading it so much easier ...

BUT if you watch the ENTIRE clip - he ALWAYS has it poine UP ....

Ummmmm ....

They must have had it filled with BLANKS .... because "What goes UP, MUST - eventually - come DOWN" ....

Even POLICE OFFICERS know to poin their weapons DOWNWARD while walking, or in pursuit of someone, or something ....

Misfires happen -- it's a fact .... 

I'm shocked that Walz didn't learn this ... while he was serving IN WAR (according to him) when he was in the National Guard ... according to him ....

This guy is worse than the guys in "Strpes" ... they at least knew how to hold a gun.

You will notice - if you watch iany NON Hollywood videos of soldiers - that while, yes, their guns are pointed upward, they are also pointed at an angle AWAY from where other members of the platoon might be ....


You don't put your fingers ANYWHERE NEAR the trigger - unless you are READY TO FIREi it .... it doesn't take much to set it off ...

But if yu are lucky enough to see the part where he mentions how much he wishes he had a Diet Mountain Dew - his drink of choice - and it suddenly appears in the middle of a field -- one of his entourage was carrying it, and keeping it cold .... remember - they are in the MIDDLE OF A FIELD ... hunting ....

Eye roll here ...

But he decides to open the bottle ... and instead of laying the gun down, or giving it to one of the many people to hold for him .... the puts it BUTT DOWN ....

Oh .... how I kept waiting for one of those hunting dogs to step on the trigger ....

but ... they didn't.

Now, everyone kept saying he didn't hit anything .... but - that's not true ....

When the images first came out - before all he hoopla over it - they were saying/claiming that Walz DID get a Phesant Rooster ....

The rooster fell from the sky and landed in the field .... but, the HUNTING DOGS couldn't find it ....

Time to get some new dogs ...

But then - instead of LOOKING FOR IT .... the JUST LEFT THE BIRD UNRECOVERED ....

It happens quite a bit with deer hunting - the bullet doesn't kill the deer quick enough and it wanders off ....

But a TRUE HUNTER will track the quarry to be sure it doesn't suffer unnecessarily .... 

So - IF Walz had hit his bird ... he should have sent out his "beaters" to find the damned thting ... 

He is NOT a hunter, by any means ....

I don't remember him EVER getting anything on one of his hunting trips ....

Hmmmm ....

Monday, October 14, 2024


Walz/Harris = have rallies in SAFE counies or cities  ....

This week, Walz appeared at a rally at Eau Claire, WI (it's french, but pronounced with a Scandinavian accent) .... which is a COLLEGE TOWN - which, of course, means that it is prodominatly a DEMOCRAT stronghold.
Like Fort Knox, type of stronghold .... in fact, the entire county is.

Trump/Vance - Take the challenge, and go where you will have to fight for a vote .... JD Vance was in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) ... where they don't like Republicans very much anymore ....

The last Republican mayor that St. Paul had was Norm Coleman - and that was in the 90s .... then, somehow, the dems took over the city ...

and there it has sat ever since .... and people can't figure out why it's getting so bad ....

I've got an idea -- call me!!!

Ooops -- off on a tangent ....

So the cities are NOT friendly to Republicans - but that's a whole other rabbit hole ... 

But Vance went THERE to give his speech ....

So ....

Would you rather have someone who is willing to speak to people who DON'T agree with everything he's saying ....

Or ...

Would yui rather just listen to someone who prefers to "Preach to the chior"???

I think .... for the Presidency ... and Vice-Presidency .... I'd want someone who shows the fortitude to speak to those who don' agree with them ....

It shows ..... if nothing else .... conviction in what they believe in.


LOL - have yu noticed that since Biden has dropped out of the race, suddenly age has become the big issue???

Harris released her medical records this weekend .... interesting how it came out on a weekend, I would think it likely was on Friday .... also known as "GARBAGE DAY" amongst the reporters ...
Why Garbage Day?
It's usually when they release a bunch of "garbage" news which they held onto for the whole week - but if you look carefully enough, there's also usually a couple of really important stories as well.

Watch The West Wing (ABC) and you'll learn all about it ....

Her doctor - who they make sure to mention on the news is an ARMY DOCTOR, like this will make him any better than any other doctor - s/he said she is healthy ...
That's nice ....

And then Harris immediately jumped on Trump's case about not releasing his mdeical reports ...
We know his reports - he survived a BULLET ... granted, it was to his ear, but still ....

We can see, he is not of great physical shape - but then neither was any other President, really ... 
I think the most physically fit - while in office - was, maybe, Johnson?  He used to go swimming EVERY day at the White House, be it butt naked, but still - quite the work out.

Her report did nott mention anything abut CONGITION so she can't say anything against Trump on that .... but she did, of course ....

She claimed he speaks to "non-existant" or "made up people" .... I wonder who she is talking about?
Abe Lincoln??

LADY - there was a person DRESSED UP AS ABE LINCOLN at his rally!!!!

If YOU think he thought he was talking to the real Abe Lincoln .... maybe YOU are the one "unfit" for office ....



Okay - it's been a bit ... I've been trying to stay out of it ... but I have to jump in now ....

This afternoon - yeah, I was a bit late - I was watching Good Morning America (ABC) ... despite thier stark bias, I still watch them .... they put up a "new" poll ....

50% Harris
48% Trump

and they were talking about how the numbers are "tightening up" .... and while I thought about it this weekend while watching CBS & ABC weekend shows - it just didn't really solidify until I heard the reporter talking this morning ...

It hit me .... square in the face ....

The polls are BIASED as well - at least the ones they are reporting on ....

The polls you see being reported on news programs - the straight percentage ones - those are based on POPULAR votes ....

It's the "Homecoming Queen" from high school all over again .... it is simply based on who - in thier "random" group - gets the most votes ....

And you'll notice - they never tell you where the people they sample come from ... 

Do you think that only 2% of the population WON'T tell them who they are voting for, or are voting for other parties???

I'm going to guess that at least 5% of the poplation - at any point since the 70s - are voting for a 3rd party choice ...

So HOW can they be only 2% away from each other?

Because of how they are conducting the poll ...

Think about it ....

If you look at the ELECTORAL MAP .... and the state-by-state polling which will determine those ... you will see thatt, with a few exceptions, the middle of the country is pretty solid Republican ....

From Idaho to Ohio ... from North Dakota to Florida .... they all lean pretty far right ...

If it weren't for LARGE cities, such as Minneapolis .... St. Paul ... NYC ... Los Angeles (oh there's a story) ... Pheonix ... Denver ... etc .... the MAJORITY of those stattes would lean Republican as well ...

As a matter of fact - California .... they have had a campaign - for quite a few voting cycles now - trying to SEPERATE the top 2/3 of the state from the bottom 1/3 ... 


Because the Northern 2/3 of the state are the ones who seem to pay the most taxes, but see the least amount of benefit.

TWICE, that I can remember, they have had petitions to get the question put on the ballot .... twice the state has used the courts to push it down - the first time, claiming the people who signed didn't qualify .... the second, because it was declared Unconstitutional ... 

The petitioners say niether is true, but they didn't have the funds to take it to a higher court.

There's a group of counties in Washington state who want to leave the state and join with Idaho ... in order to do this, they need the "okay" from both states ....

Idaho is for it - but Washington state is putting up a fuss ... not because of the loss of population ... tthere's not that huge of a loss ....
But, rather, its the loss of TAXES ... see, these particular counties have some of the largest industries - outside of Starubuck's - which the state has ....

And - really - the ENTIRE nation is this way ....

So where are these polls being taken??

I'm going to guess LARGE cities - places where there are a LOT of squawler ....
Low income ....
Unemployment ....
Used to be "union" workers - but 60% of union workers are supporting Trump this go 'round.  Just ask the head of the WildCats union of truck drivers ....

So - DON'T TRUST the polling you are hearing ....

Instead - go to Wikipedia .... I know, people say its a bad source, but really it's not when you look at the source materials ... and look up how you STATE voted during the LAST ELECTION, compare it to the 2 elections before it ....

I'm going to guess you'd be shocked at just how right leaning your state really is.

Friday, October 11, 2024


Okay -So, 'm watching todays Outnumbered (FNC) and they show a clip of Gov. Whitner (D-MI) being fed a Dorito chip by VP Harris ...

And all the people say is something about how this was supposed to be about the "chips" act ...

NO -- this was a BLATANT dig at the Church!!!

Whitner isn't just being fed a chip while sitting in a CHAIR .... not even a HIGH CHAIR ... 

no - she is KNEELING as if she were at a COMMUNION RAIL!!!!

And, yes, there are still Churches which do it this way!!!

It is poking fun at a RELIGIOUS GROUP .... and it is WRONG ....

They wouldn't do this against Jewish people ....

They wouldn't do this against Muslim/Islamic people (although my kids keep telling me these are two different religions) ...

They wouldn't do it against Buddists ...

They wouldn't do it against Atheists ....

But if your Christian ... especially Catholic or Mormon/Latter Day Saints ... you seem to be FAIR GAME ....

I'm sorry ....

That is sooo wrong ....

Looks to me as if .... I almost hate to say it, but ....

If you vote the Dems in .... you're going to end up with The Hunger Games in REAL LIFE ...

I think we are already seeing it, actually -- have you seen the prices at the stores???

We have a warehouse membership, my oldest daughter (union-worker) has a membership to the other ... both warehouses - which is supposed to save us money - has prices on meat at a decent price ....

I'm sorry - if you think this is going to get any better by the holidays - guess again ....

Walmart ... the store the liberals seem to want to hate -- has said they have locked in their prices for a Thanksgiving meal (with all the trimmings) for around $8 or so ....

We will see ....

I think it will all depend on what happens after the election ...

If Harris loses - I'm going to guess she, and the oher "dems" are going to "let it ride" .... and we are all screwed ...

But, if she wins .... we're all screwed anyways -- because she won't be in charge of nothin'

And - if Tim Walz gets in?
If he ends up as VP, for some stupid reason?

We're all screwed!

But Christians, the whole lot, will be burned on the pyre .... or fed to the lions ....

Get ....


Tuesday, October 08, 2024


I was listening to a show today - can I remember which show?  NO - and they were talking about why people who got hit by Hurricane Helene might NOT want FEMA to help them ....

It sounds counterintuitive but there's a very good reason behind it ....

Right now, help is coming from EVERYDAY people .... groups .... things are getting along .... some are from churches, but a lot of it is simply by individuals and 401-3G (I think that's what they're called) .... but all the private donations/efforts need to STOP and only go though FEMA ....

They will go into donation sites and confiscate all that has been donated, and ship it to their warehouses ... from there FEMA will decide what goes where, who gets what ....

This is the same agency which gave baby formula to people after Hurricane Katrina - when there was no clean water to mix it with .... eye roll here ...

FEMA is only giving help at $700+ at a time, for now, and people will have to fill out paperwork .... eye roll ... and since it is likely that most people have likely LOST any "personal identification" they likely will not qualify - for quite some time - for aid ....

And then ... it's said that ALL AID will have to be claimed on TAX FORMS as a form of INCOME ....  even if it was a grant .... the government isn't going to miss out on any of those taxes ...

Do i know any of this for sure?


not at all ....

Remember - I heard this on a SHOW ... I'm thinking it was either Garage Logic podcast or something on YouTube ... both are a daily aspect of my days.

And they are doing a really good job at getting things to where they need to go .... some have even rescued people and gotten them out ...

When FEMA comes in - the only groups they can not stop are church groups

Sunday, October 06, 2024


And, if you want to see a republican scrap it out with a Democrat .... fast forward the clip to around 28 minutes in  .... although, the fight begins at around 32 minutes!!!!

The get to the Round Table -- think of it like "Outnumbered" only with a bunch of Dems and only 1 Repub ....

Well - Donna Brunzell (I think that's her last name), gets upset wih what the FORMER RNC Chair had to say during his turn and she picks the fight with him ...
But he totally finishes it!


He sat there while Donna bickered, but only jumped in when the RNC guy tried to speak ....

I'm sorry -- but I found it funny ... and very forthcoming about what ABC is really all about!



Okay - so I woke up to this this morning ....
Note: the clip is totally missing the very closely clipped videos of both Mr. Trump and his son speaking .... and I mean c-l-o-s-e-l-y clipped ... 

And Johnson was corresct not to answer ... it was a "gotcha" question on the major saide!

It reminds me of the clip where they tried to get Candice Owens saying she "supported" Hiltler .... and she shredded that congress person to shreds .... hee hee hee ... she was so good at it too ....

I don't know why George is getting so grumpy lately ... but he's become quite the curmudgeon lately .... doesn't matter which show he's on, he acts like he can't understand why the Dems are doing so poorly in the polls ....

As Carvell once said ...


Thursday, October 03, 2024


So, I was watching Outnumbered (FNC) when they began to talke about some research group who looked at how the Vice Presidential candidates, Walz & Vance, and how they were preseved by a group of voters ....

They said, both came off as being seen in a positive light, because they didn't fight or bicker as much as Harris and Trump had ....

But the thing tha t caught their attention - the eople doing the "study" was how the women felt about the candidates ....

The study said that they women didn't trust Vance as much because of his beard .... excuse me??
Apparently, they felt the beard meant that he was rying o "hide" something .... more on this later .... and this is wrong, btw.

Walz was deemed more "trustworthy" because he opened his eyes wider when he "felt passionately" about somehing, or "wanted to get his point across" .... I'm rolling my eye's rightt now .... no it's not.

Ladies - when Walz opens his eyes wider, it's called a "Tell" .... it's a poker term .... it means he's about to tell a lie ... and it's very true ...
We have known about this in MN for a couple years now, but just can't seem to get rid of him ....
He's like the mouse in Ratatouli ...
See yesterday's post with the clip of Garage Logic - you will find, I am not the only one who see it.

Now the beard B.S. .... there was a study done at the University of Minnesota, written by Professor Charlesworth, et al .... 
I had Prof. Charlesworth as a teacher - he's a great story teller, but a lousy instructor - and he talked about this report like it was the only one he ever did (no he did do others) .... and it dealt wih men, in the 1960s or 70s wh, who had beards ....

His study concluded that children don't like men who had beards or eyeglasses .... well, the kids - they said - would cry and draw away ....

A couple things they did not mention in the study, which he DID mention in class, was that the children they used were from homes where their fathers were beardless ...
When asked about how often these children saw men from outside of the family, his answer was that they hadn't thought of asking that question.
Why is this important?
Because people are NATURALLY intimidated by people, situations, things they have had no experience with ..

Perhaps it was NOT the beard or glasses that bothered the children, perhaps it was just SOMEONE NEW.

The issue with beards is more one of EXPOSURE than with fear

I grew up in a huge family - and I was the only girl - NONE of them had a beard .... not until I was much older.

Personally, I find beards rather attractive - but not every man can pull it off ....

So - I mention this to say hooey ...
I worked in daycare ... I saw plenty of dads with beards .... pleanty of dads with glasses .... plenty of dads with both.

I, honestly, think they were simply trying to take personal quirks of the women, and use it for political fodder ....

Leave the beards alone

Wednesday, October 02, 2024


 Okay - I grew up in Minneapolis, MN ... I lived there until I was 25 years old (then I moved to St. Paul, so not too far) ...

I grew up by the U of M-Twin Cities (main) campus ... my high school, Marshall-University, was about 2-3 blocks from there as well (depending on whether yu count the block the school took up or not)

We even had some of our classes at the U of M buildings - a clause put in when University High and John Marshall High merged in the 60s .... my brother actually had 2 different class rings because he had gone to both University High and Marshall-University after the merger ... anyhow - part of the deal with the U of M was that Pike Hall AND Pike Gym would continue to be considered part of the Marshall-U "campus" until such time as the building fell off their foundations ...

basically ... and they never did

Well - this is gong to take me off course ... so back to the debate ...

If you didn't see it - I highly recommend you go to YouTube and see if you can find a full length, unclipped version of it ...

it's going to be tough ... but I'm pretty sure they are out there ...

DO NOT listen to a commentary on what happened ... they will be too biased one way or the other ...

That's why I say get the FULL length version -- it should be a little over 90 minutes long ... they ran over ... 

Here is a clip of a LOCAL newsman .... he still writes for a newspaper, so yes, he's still a "newsman" in my mind ... and his take on Walz ...

I just love the way he describes Walz .... it is SO true, too!!!

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