May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Thursday, March 28, 2024


He was born in 1942 .. and grew up to be a man who, no matter which way your political beliefs leaned, you knew you could listen to him.

He was a senator who left his party after they turned their bck on him, and became an Independant.

He spoke out AGAINST Bill Clinton after he had his fling with Monica Lewinski ...

But he did endorse Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden for president ...
Even though later, he began to talk about the No Labels party and how it would be better for the nation at this point.

He had friends -- true friends -- on BOTH sides of the Senate aisle.

And even though he retired in 2016, he still kept his fingers in the political goo ... that little flea that said "work together" and "people first"

America will miss him

Even if they don't know it.

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