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Tuesday, March 19, 2024


 So chances are you've heard about the Haiti's Prime Minister resigning, apparently it was part of some concession he had to make.  But I haven't quite figured out why yet.

If you look at a map (don't know if they even make globes anymore), you will see that Haiti is only half of an island ... the other half is the Dominican Republic.

What seperates the two countries?

A fence/gate system.

It sounded as if the Dominican Border guards opened the gate this weekend and 20,000 Haitans ran into their country without paperwork!


But unlike the US, they gathered up as many as they could ... and ....


Yup - because the Dominican government realizes that while the majority of the people were actually good people looking to get away from the violence - there was a small portion which could easily be called ... undesirable.

The booted them out to MAINTAIN PEACE and LAW in their country.

Many of those who crossed the border ONLY did it to buy GROCERIES and other products which they can no longer get in Haiti ... but there were some who crossed to stay.

Their border wall is only 100 miles long ... and it is only 12 foot high ... but it has already stopped 80% of illegal border crossings.
The goal is to have the wall extend all the way along the border.

It sounds as if the gang violence has gotten so prevailant in Haiti, that children can't even go outside ...

So they cannot go to school
They cannot make friends outside their family
They cannot get exersize
They cannot socialize

It is like they are quarantined forever .... its really kind of sad.

But at what point should the UN or US step in to "help" ... and I say "help" because they tend to make things worse .... they just don't think things through all the way.

Right now, the main gang in charge of the country is being led by a guy they call "BBQ" ... 
He is an ex-cop who is known for setting people on fire if they don't do what he says!!
He's a nut case!

I feel for them, I really do.

and ... yes ... fear of life IS an Asyslum/Sancturary reason.

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