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Sunday, April 28, 2024


I am getting  very upset with the majority nof network news ... not because they are going after .... almost zealously so ... Mr. Trump - but because they are doing it so BLATANTLY.

On Face The Naion (CBS) this morning, they "interviewed" Sen. Schumer - the minority leader of the US Senate - and, while he did seem to hold his own .. I couldn't tell if it was an "interview" or a "boxing match"!

The host, Margaret something (I can never remember her last name) Brennan, seemed more interested in trying to trip him up ... get him to say something he didn't really mean ... than she was in what he actually had to say.

She brought up the budget to help Ukraine, she made sure to mention that he had apologized to PM Zelinski for the delay in getting it passed - and I can NOT see him apologizing for anything, likely it was just a "congrats, its coming" type of thing ... but she tried to get him to say that Trump was responsible for it taking so long - that it took so long Russia was able to take back more han they had before, that Russia was able to rebuild its forces, that Russia did this, Russia did that ...

Schumer said it was Tucker Carlson and his words that delayed things way more than anything Trump did ... she was taken aback - she simply continued on saying that Carlson was simply the mough-piece of Trump.

Then she started talking about how Schumer had said that he wouldn't support Trump, but now he is ...
Schumer did a GREAT job at looking her in the face and saying what he had said was that he would support his party's nominee - that he did not say WHO he would suppor.

She then tried to ask him if he supported the way Trump would do things as President ... Schumer simply said he was only interested in Senate business.
She had no idea where to go with this ...

Everytime she brought up this or that which Trump MIGHT do ...
Schumer came back with HIS main duty was to the Senate, and to get the majority of votes in the senate.

She simply couldn't get him to go to the edge of the cliff enough to puch him over.

Schumer did a good job at keeping his composier ... and not "lock up" as he has done on a few occasions during interviews (my understanding is that this traces back to a concusion he had recieved early in 2021/22)

She made sure to point out that there is a FULL interview on the CBS Website and their YouTube channel ...
I'm not going to link it though - I don't link to any of the other channels for the most part, plus, I think it would need it own post ... not just plop it onto here.

It just gets me that ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, FNC, FOX (yes there is a slight difference) even BOTHER to bring on people from other parties -- they DON'T treat them with EQUAL respect, tolerance, understanding, etc.

Although - I will say that FNC is more likely to allow all sides to EXPRESS how they feel -- they would NEVER tolerate the way Liberals being treated as Conservatives are on The View ....

In fact - one gal DID get into a verbal match on Outnumbered once before the 2020 elections ... and they broke away to a commercial - and the gal who did the verbal attack had to APOLOGIZE on air, and was off the air for a while as well ...

Although, I will say, the liberal chick (I think she actually worked for the DNC as well) held her own very well.
But, no, the gal who went on the verbal attack did NOT get fired.

Then when they read the polling they do - they do not give ALL the answers and the numbers that go with them ... instead they pick and choose them.

According to teh majority of the networks ... people are MOST interested in Roe v Wade, Ukraine, and Student Loan Forgiveness ...


People are more interested in JOBS (having them), MONEY (keeping more of it - either taxes, food, gas), CRIME (they don't want it rampant in the streets any more) ... and being able to RETIRE in their own homes!!!

Honestly ...

When the news simply becomes POLITICAL PROPROGANDA ... they should just STOP!

The should remember LENIN ... HITLER ... STALIN ... FDR

All these leaders USED the press and/or news stations (pre-television) to get their SKEWED messages across to the people.

The last time we saw news slant this badly was ....

1967 during the Viet Name war

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