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Friday, May 31, 2024


 You know that's what they are talking about in NYC today!

In case you missed it - and how you could miss this, I have no idea, its on EVERY news show and talk show program -  the verdict is in!


on all counts ...

But it has to be said - it sounds like the Judge was playing games with Mr. Trump ....

When he opened the paperwork from the jury .... he first said they had not reached a verdict.

People in the gallery (the sitting area where the public sits) began to EMPTY .... people began to LEAVE ...

He then suddenly went - paraphrasing here, I really have no idea how it was said - Oops, I was wrong ... He's been found GUILTY on all charges.

There WILL be an APPEAL ...question will be when will it be filed??

Sentencing isn't until July 11th = less than a week before the GOP Convention ... when I ask Siri, I'm told the convention is in June, so I don't know ... the RNC Convention is from July 15-18, 2024 in Milwaukee, WI ... 

The most interesting thing is ... these were ALL misdermeanors ....
These wee all PAST the statute of limitations -- they were DEAD ... they should have been buried or cremated!

But some bit of lawyer "magic" was found to breath new life into these charges ... which turned them from "misdermeanors" to "felonies" ... wait, what?
Yup -- and this is a very scary thing ...

I can give a couple different examples, but it gets very wordy ...and I'm not sure you'd want to sit for that.

So - this misdermeanor .... an accounting error .... which should have been dead ... is now brought back to life.  Bigger.  Stronger. FrankenFelonies.

Now - we all sit around and see what happens.

So what happens when the convention opens?

There are enough delegates to vote Mr. Trump as the nominee .... but unless Nikki Haley is on that ticket - I'm not so sure ....
No one seems to want Mr. Biden in office ... he seems to have too many memory issues (nothing to do with age, btw)
That leaves the third party candidates - the biggest name being Kennedy ... and it doesn't look like very many people wan his either ... other than being Bobby Kennedy's son, there doesn't seem to be a lot about him.

I have a feeling there aren't going to be a lot of people voting this year -- which will be very sad .... because whoever gets ino the White House in January is going o take this nation in a whole different direction ...

But Mr. Trump has come out and said there WILL BE appeals based on several different reasons - and there were quite a few problems with how the trial was ran, but I don't know how much of it is actually allowed under NY law ....

We will have to just wait and see what happens. 

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