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Thursday, June 27, 2024

My impressions

this is in lower case, because I'm typing this AS the debate is going on ...

So far, I have seen Trump NOT answer questions which were put to him - mostly because he is rebutting something Biden has already said, but otherwise, it's just a political thing.

Biden on the other hand ... I actually came to start feeling sorry for him.

First, his voice is VERY hoarse - like he has been yelling a lot - usually they get like this after a string of campaign events .... like 15 in 10 days - think Dean - but he's been held up for 7 days at Camp David ...

There's been NO campaigning for him .... just lots and lots and lots of rehearsals .... which I find interesting as well.

He also looked a several times like he was about to cry - at one point Trump went way too far, saying that Biden hates veterans, and I swear Biden's lower lip started trembling .... I actually felt kind of bad for him - remember, his son Beau/Bo was a veteran ...
But he bounced back ... kind of....

Biden tended to trip, stumble, and forget his words on several occasions ... My 92 year old father-in-law didn't even do that.
My father was older than Biden, and he didn't have these issues.

Biden did come out swinging when Jan 6th came up ... but he still kind of stumbled on his words.

They have their talking poins down though ...

And Trump may find himself getting hit with a Comtempt charge from the NY judge again - he talked about his opinion of the judge during the debate, and the "Gag Order" has not fully been lifted yet.

It actually looks like Biden might have a hearing aid in his right ear - which would explain why he chose, when he won the coin toss, to chose what side he would stand on instead of the "final word"

It could just be the way the ligh is hitting the ear as well - I thought for a moment that Trump had a hearing aid as well, but it turned out to be the light.

It does look as if Biden is READING from something on his podium ... I thought notes and such WEREN'T allowed though ... 
I do know that there have been a few additional rules made at the last minute, so perhaps this was allowed after all.

Biden has his good moments as well - he has his talking points down - but once they get off those, that's when he seems to have the most problem.

Trump's issue is ... he's a fighter ... he keeps looking for opportunities to go on the "attack" of Biden ... sometimes I don't think he even realizes what he's saying .... at at least once, it was just plain MEAN.

The issue of Child Care came up .... NEITHER one seemed to answer very well - they actually cut Biden off DURING his answer, and Trump was given a 2nd chance to answer the question.

Opiod Crisis - Trump decidef to just start up with Bifen & China -- ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!
First, I'd be curious as to how many Fentynal overdoses there were under Trump, if I remember correctly, t\ drug was OxyCodone - I don't even know if fentynoal was even on the radar yet.
Under Biden it seems to be more Fentynol than anything else, even OxyCodone although it's still pretty high ....
Trump talked about the border and dogs ....
Biden talked about machines.

I have noticed that whenever Trump tries to do with facial expressions or a head shake, they cut off his camera -- but they keep the camera ON Biden at most times.

They talked about age ....
Trump says he took 2 cognitive tests and passed them .... and Biden hasn't taken ANY so far.
Actually -- AGE is NOT an issue .... COGNITIVE abilities ARE the issue.

"Let's not act like children" by Trump
"You are a child" by Biden
Over what?
Thier GOLF GAME!!!

OMG - its the President Playdate in reality!!!! PP is a YouTube channel which has AI games played by "Obama", "Trump", "Bidn" ... and they can be hilarious!!!  My only issue is that they always make Trump's remarks so mean, I think they think its a "razzing" thing, but they seem to come across as just mean.

When they started talking about if Trump would accept the results, even if he lost this time ... Trump tried to avoid the question, but got directed back .... he said his numbers were going up ...
Biden said "Let's see how your numbers are" and then proceeded to call Trump a WHINER ... what???

We were always taught that if it comes down to name calling - the more you do it, the more you're losing.

Actually, Biden said "no court" found any of his allegations held water (paraphrasing here) but in reality - I only know of 1 court which even LOOKED at any of the cases .... and even in that one, where there were WITNESSES, and DOCUMENTATION, they refused to touch the case ... not because there wasn't a case there, but because it would have caused a Constitutional crisis.

There is NOTHING to settle such a problem in the US Constitution -- they never thought that "cheating" or "mistakes" would have been going on ....

Intersting - NO HANDSHAKE ... not at the beginning, not at the end!  I've never seen such a thing in all my years of watching debates.

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