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Monday, October 14, 2024


LOL - have yu noticed that since Biden has dropped out of the race, suddenly age has become the big issue???

Harris released her medical records this weekend .... interesting how it came out on a weekend, I would think it likely was on Friday .... also known as "GARBAGE DAY" amongst the reporters ...
Why Garbage Day?
It's usually when they release a bunch of "garbage" news which they held onto for the whole week - but if you look carefully enough, there's also usually a couple of really important stories as well.

Watch The West Wing (ABC) and you'll learn all about it ....

Her doctor - who they make sure to mention on the news is an ARMY DOCTOR, like this will make him any better than any other doctor - s/he said she is healthy ...
That's nice ....

And then Harris immediately jumped on Trump's case about not releasing his mdeical reports ...
We know his reports - he survived a BULLET ... granted, it was to his ear, but still ....

We can see, he is not of great physical shape - but then neither was any other President, really ... 
I think the most physically fit - while in office - was, maybe, Johnson?  He used to go swimming EVERY day at the White House, be it butt naked, but still - quite the work out.

Her report did nott mention anything abut CONGITION so she can't say anything against Trump on that .... but she did, of course ....

She claimed he speaks to "non-existant" or "made up people" .... I wonder who she is talking about?
Abe Lincoln??

LADY - there was a person DRESSED UP AS ABE LINCOLN at his rally!!!!

If YOU think he thought he was talking to the real Abe Lincoln .... maybe YOU are the one "unfit" for office ....


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