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Thursday, January 16, 2025


OMG - they showed a clip of a press "conference"/speech which Biden gave after the news of the Cease Fire had been released ....

Harris was standing off to his side ... and I suppose it's okay that she was there, although she didn't look very happy, not that it's an occasion for smiling - but at least look interested.

Any how - according to BIDEN, the negotiations were joined by the "incoming administration" .... dude, your side lost - it's okay to say his name now .... BUT that these aspects of the agreement HE had been thinking of since MAY ....

The Cease Fire is supposed to last for 45 days ... that's it ... and that 2 American hostages will be amongst those released during "Phase 1" ....

More on the hostages at the end ... I don't want to miss my point ...

When President Biden turned to leave, a REPORTER shouted out a question .....

She asked about IN THE HISTORY BOOKS, who was going to be given credit for releasing the hostages and the Cease Fire, BIDEN or TRUMP??

Biden stopped and began to turn around, Harris STOPPED HIM, but he did yell back over his turned shoulder,


They then very quickly got him OFF THE STAGE where he couldn't be asked anymore questions ....

Later on, a spokeman said that things went smoother once Trump's representative joined the negotiations ... 

To which at the daily Press Briefing, Jean-Pierre denied knowing who had said it .... when she was informed that i was someone very high up - she was given a name - she simply said she couldn't speak to how HE felt about it, she could only speak for the White House.

Okay - the hostages ....

Of the 33 being returned ... 20 or so will be LIVE hostages ... the rest will likely be remains, by the sounds of it.

only 2 of them will be Americans who had been taken during the invasion ... obduction ... kidnapping ... whatt do we call it??

BUT - no word yet as to whether they are alive or dead ... they better hope their alive, I'm not sure if Trump will count a deceased hostage as being "returned" ...

During one of the previous exchanges - it seems that one of the prisoners let go was the leader of Hammas, which then kicked up the fighting once he got back into power.

Let's hope they do not have the same "luck" with the ones they are returning now.

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