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Wednesday, January 19, 2022


 The democrats in the Senate are going to get on record, any of their members who do not support the proposed Voter's Rights bill.

Just to clarify what the bill consists of (as reported on the news, at least)

~ Election Day will be a FEDERAL HOLIDAY

~ Extends early voting and mail-in voting

~ Allows the Justice Department to police potential voter discrimination

I find it rather interesting that the DNC is basically putting their own members under such a microscope so close to ELECTIONS ... it would serve them right if the vast majority of the democrats chose NOT to vote at all (obstention) ... just out of per protest!

Actually, I have always felt that Elction Day should be a holiday along the lines of Thanksgiving or Christmas where businesses should be CLOSED ... that way there is no excuse not to get to the polls ...

This of course means that there would be NO NEED for either Mail-In nor Early Voting ... after all the entire point of doing things this way was because there were claims that people simply couldn't get to the polling places.

The issue with having the Justice Department involved is that it assumes that a crime has been committed before there actually is a crime ... they have got to start teaching Civics class the old way again.

Congress MAKES THE LAW (well the Bill actually)

President/Executive ALLOWS/KILLS the law (there are a few ways to do this)

Police/Bureaus INFORCE the laws made by Congress

Courts APPLY the Law passed by Congress

Supreme Court determines in a Law is CONSTITUTIONAL or PROPERLY applied.

Unfortunately, everyone things the President should be able to do things just on his own ... not even the Queen of England can do that! 

Executive Decrees are only meant to be used when Congress is NOT in session - when they are on their "times off" ... I'm not saying they can't be done - there is just a time and place when they were meant to be done - which generally doesn't exist anymore, Congress is only a cyberlink away now.

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