May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, January 19, 2022


Okay - so the President, and then the Press Secretary (Jen Saki ... I know I've spelled that completely wrong), and the news media have all repeated it ... but NOW I've seen on ABC's show "Good Morning America" has the updated data ... although they didn't really emphasize the new IMPORTANT information

So - here it is:

~ MOST insurance companies will REINMBURSE up to $12 a test

This means that (a)not all insurance companies will pay for the tests, (b)you need to PAY for the tests yourself, then if you are lucky they will pay you back, (c)there is a reimbursement limit, beyond that, it comes out of your pocket.

~ MAY BE eligible for 8 tests per month, per person on POLICY

This means not everyone will be able to get as many as 8 tests a month - there is also a caviat saying you have to be the person actually on the policy.  This means you should not be buying the tests then giving them to your relatives. 

~ Applies to tests purchased JANUARY 15th or later/after

This means that if you bought a test before 15 January 2022, you likely will not be covered by your insurance. I'm not sure why they chose this date, the President had been talking about this for longer than that.

~ The following people do NOT apply for this program:

    >those on Medicare

    >those on a Medicare Suplliment


    >Voluntary Insurance (what the heck is this one?)

That is the end of the information given this morning ... although they did say that if you go to the government website to order the tests - it will take 10-15 days to arrive at your doorstep.  So by the time the test shows up, you likely will be feeling better.

Also, I know that in the bigger cities in our state, at home tests can NOT be used to clear a person from being positive ... so they want you to go to the dr. anyways!!!

This is so bucked up it unbelievable!!!!  

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