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Friday, May 24, 2024


Okay - let's try this again ... I am having a very tough time staying on subject here ... one thing leads to another.

Lousiana has passed a new law which catagorizes - at least according to the reporter on Good Morning America (ABC) - as a "Dangerous" and "Addictive" medication.  One where it will be illegal to possess without a prescription.

She did not mention any reasons WHY they might have passed this law, or rather the reasoning behind it, and jumped straight to "Near Total Ban" ...

Yeah, pretty sure we know where YOU stand on the subject.

She did not cover the history of the medication or of its make up - and that is VERY important to the story.

I'm guessing - GUESSING - part of the reason for the classification is to cut down on mail-orders for the medicine.  
Therefore cutting down on FAKE pills being sold

It also has to be said that the pill is actually a COMBINATION of different drugs - we are not talking herbs here - one of which, if even slightly too much, can KILL ... the other is quite ADDICTIVE if taken on its own.

its very hard to write this without getting my own feelings in the post - but I think its important that I try my best to bury them.

It was interesting to learn that more than 1/2 the abortions in the USA are done via THIS PILL ... that's a LOT of pills taken each year!

Interestingly enough, when I asked Siri for what Mifeprestone was, it said that the medication MUST be taken with ANOTHER drug in order for it to work ...

This bit of information was NOT reported in the story ...

There was also a photo of one of the packages which showed the package contained 5 pills - one larger than they others - which would tell me that it is not exactly a "Morning After" pill but rather "MorningS After" - which I have never heard mentioned in ANY news story on ANY channel/network!!!

I find it rather disconcerning that the reporter did not interview any DOCTORS or PATIENTS who might have insight on this from their point of view ... 

Her report just seemed so .... INCOMPLETE

I will keep an eye on this -- it sounds like ther is a case coming to the Supreme Court dealing with this medication as i is (I believe it has to do with mail-orders, though) .... so we will see.

BTW - this actually is NOT a political matter ... it does not matter which party you are in ... there are Republicans which are Pro-Choice, and there are Democrats which are Pro-Life ... nor does it determine a persons religious belief system - it is purely PERSONAL ... and I have known people who have done it, I've known people who have not.
I've known people who have used it as their form of "birth control" ...
I've known people who are so gun hoe about it on either side, that you don't put them into the same room together.

And - yes - what the doctors call "spontaneous abortion" is simply a "miscarriage" by different terminology ... and these were not those.
Neither is a D&C ... simular, but not quite.  They did one of hese on my 75+ yr old mother ... why? Who knows.

(I apologize to any "t"s or "q"s which may have been dropped in this post ... those keys are missing from my keyboard, and today it is really actining up)

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