May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Yes, yes the weather person DID say that 4-Letter word

But unless you live in North Dakota, you likely don't have to worry too much about it.

And yes, it did stick to the ground ... and the roads as well.

And as of 10"15pm (local time) tonight - they are STILL getting it!

I hope they hadn't planted their gardens yet.

Wait ...

One of the Dakotas grows a hunk of the wheat our nation uses to make flour ... 
Let's hope its SOUTH Dakots and not North Dakota -- we do not need to become the next nation to have bread lines ...

Not to receive free loaves, but to buy it.

As a girl I remember watching the news and seeing people in loooong lines waiting to buy bread - we're talking lines like those for Taylor Swift ... not just around the block, but around several blocks.

That country? Russia .... well, USSR (so I suppose it could have been just about any of those block-countires) ... and what did the people find?

The bakery only had enough flour to make something like 3 or 6 loaves of bread - that was it.

We were all surprised that there wasn't another Revolution over there.

wait ... how did we get from SNOW to REVOLUTION???

This is going to be a whacky weather year .... that's for sure!!!!

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