May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I have got to remember to completely watch a show before posting about it .... there were more specific instructions given ...

There were 50 pages ... and it took 1 1/2 hours to READ THEM and the jury was NOT given a copy of them to take back with them.


But here are more of those instructions:

"Even if you find the testimony of Michael Cohen to be believable, you may not convict solely on that testimony unless you also find it was collaborated by other evidence tending to connect the defendant with the commision of the crime."

which would explain why they wanted to get access to that 2015 meeting between Trump/Cohen/Pecker at Trump Towers ....
If I remember correctly - Cohen said they discussed it, Pecker said they did not.

I'm guessing that there's a LOT more of hese types of instructions to come ....

The interesting part of all of this is the ... I hate to use the term, but it really does apply to this particular part ... a witch hunt ....

They did not say what the "underlying crime" gives this EXPIRED case CPR, and throws it into a higher court ....

Its pretty much "Pick something" .... very much like the way they used to test to see if someone was a witch - you burn them at a stake, if they live then their a witch, if they die they weren't ... you tie a big rock to their ankle and throw them into a lake, if they survive they're a witch, if no they aren't a witch after all ... you pile heavy rocks on their chest, if they can still breath they're a witch, if they die, well it made for an interesting afternoon.
And, yes, they wre all really done too.

When the trial started the Prosecution said there were 2 crimes Mr. Trump was being charged with .... but the case itself only looked at ONE of them .... the 2nd was never even mentioned - that I can recall - until these Jury Instructions were given.

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