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Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Okay - so the NYC case ... NYC vs. Trump ... over whether the MISDERMEANOR crimes they allege can be converted to CRIMINAL crimes, and then taken to a whole different level has come down to THIS ... the JURY INSTRUCTIONS ...

That is - what he judge tells the jury what they were supposed to find in order for there to be a "guilty" or a "not guilty" verdict.

It is generally quite concise, specific, brief, thorough ... remember that the judge had told the two sides to work together to let him know what they wanted to make sure were in these instructions ... but I cannot believe that Mr. Trump's team went for THESE ones ...

"If you find that any witness has intentionally testified falsely as to any material fact, you may disregard that witness's entire testimony."

That is actually pretty well standard in ANY trial - be it Civil or Criminal ... 
The contriversial part has to do with the part that changes this from the lesser crime, who's statue of limitations has run out - to the higher crime of a Felony, which would then NOT have run out.

That instruction goes:
"You need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were."

Wait - there's more ...
The jury has 3 options for what these "means" were ...

        1)Federal Election Campaign Act violation
        2)Falsification of other business records
        3)Violation of tax laws
But remember - they do NOT need to agree - so I'm thinking it will likely NOT even be discussed.

Than to top it off - the instructions, which reportably took 20 minutes 1 - 1 1/2 HOURS just to read - were NOT provided to the jury. <<I relistened to the show again, and found I had gotten things a tad mixed up, it was actually 60-90 minues>>

It is normal for a copy of the Jury Instructions to be given to the jurors to be taken back so that they can refer to them as often as they feel the need to ...

They also get a shared laptop while deliverating which is supposed to have copies of the evidence on it.

So far:

Two notes have been sent from the Jury to the Judge ...

        1)Dealing with Clarification of the Jury Instructions 
        2)About the testimony about the 2015 meeting in Trump        Tower, which was supposed to have Mr. Trump, Cohen
(his former lawyer), and David Pecker (Former CEO of The National Enquirer)

It sounds like they will not get answers back regarding these nots until tomorrow ... 9AM EDT, 8AM CDT, 7AM MDT, 6AM PDT ... any where else, I've no idea what time it will start.

I've a bad feeling about this though - based on the instruction that they don't have to agree on an underlying charge.

I have heard people say that the judge can still OVERRIDE what the jury comes back with and give a Directed Finding .... which means the judge decides whether Mr. Trump is guilty or not ... it does not happen often ...

But then neither does saying "are YOU ready?" to the Defensive team and "Are WE ready?" to the prosecution team ...
He seems to have already made up his mind, before things even got started.

But we will see ...

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