May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Friday, May 10, 2024



If you grew up watching "Bullwinkle" then chances are you will remember these ... and the clips ranged from "The 3 Little Pigs" to "Cinderella" to "Snow White and Rose Red" (not too many people ever heard that one before this) ...
Tales used ranged from Mother Goose to Hans Christian Anderson to the Grimm Brothers ...

Whichever tale they got their hands on ... you just knew it was going to have a wonderful twist.

Although, I have to admit that sometimes, as a child, I just didn't get it .... as an adult, they are mighty hilarious!!!

So ... If you were a "Bullwinkle" fan or a "Rocky" fan ... or even if you weren't ...

(oh and again, as usual ... this is NOT MY WORK, OR CHANNEL on YouTube ... I only put them here for your entertainment ...)I

.... and so I can find them more easily later on!  LOLOLOLOLOL

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