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Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 It has been challenged ... but not by me ... there are 3 DEBATES scheduled now for the upcoming elecion

2 between the Presidential Candidates
1 between the Vice-Presidential candidates

Here's my issue with the debate scheduing ...

The Republican convention is in July 2024
The Democraic convention is in August 2024

The proposed dates for the 1st debate between Presidential candidates is JUNE 2024 ....
That is BEFORE both conventions
Neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Biden will actually BE the party nominee at this point .... not officially, that will not take place until AFTER the nomination votes on the Convention floors!

The second Debae will be in JULY 2024, and will be against the Vice-Presidential candidates ... at this particular time only ONE of the candidates in the debate will actually BE the nominee, formally ... remember, Dems won't have their convention until August!

The final Presidential debate will be in September 2024 ... and will be the ONLY debate which will acually have both OFFICIAL NOMINEES ... but who can say who it will actually be??

Remember, Mr. Trump still has a few court cases pending here --
NYC "Hush Money" scandal is a "criminal" case (well its a misdermeanor case that was bumped up to a felony charge) which likely will be concluded by the time the Convention begins ... not sure about the first debate date though.

And then there are the cases in DC, GA, FL which have been put on hold, without any date of when hey might be continued yet ... that's what "Undetermined" means ... they simply haven't decided yet.

And since the Dems don't have their convention until August ... there really isn't anything that will FORCE them to keep Mr. Biden/Ms. Harris on their ticket!
They may decide that either one - or neither one is fit to be the nominee ...

Then Mr. Trump & his VP choice will have "wasted" 2 of the 3 debates against 2 straw candidates, and needing to scramble to restradegize against 2 new opponents ...
But giving the 2 new Candidates plenty of notice of what Mr. Trump , and his VP running mate, have in mind for what they will wish to do & how they will handle things.

It's a very tricky game they are playing ...

The only thing that might keep it honest, is that there are some places where pre-election voting (mail-in) will begin 60 DATE before the normal Election Day ...

So instead of voting on 05 November 2024 ... it can actually begin September 5h in some areas .... depending on how the election laws are set up there ...

So ... yeah ... it could be that there will likely be only the amount of time needed to PRINT up different BALLOT SHEETS for the election that would keep the Democrats from flipping their team ....
But since their convenion is in AUGUST .... I can't see it being that huge on=f an issue, really.

We May have:

Debate 1 (June): Biden v. Trump
Debate 2 (July): Harris v. ??
Debate 3: Trump v. ???

It will be interesting ... to say the least .... 

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