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Wednesday, May 22, 2024



Fani Willis WON??? So is she the candidate or the actual winner of the position??

I am hoping she's just the candidate ... then there's still a chance she will lose.

How can they vote for her??  She won like 89% of the county ... That just seems unfathomable!

Her opponent received just over 11,000 votes .... Did you even try, man??
What the heck??

I mean ...

How many people ..... of ANY race (remember her dad said it was a "black thing") have thatt much money just laying around??

Where do you even get that much money wihout taking ou a loan of some sort?

And why didn't she simply put the ticket & room on HER own business credit card?  
Heck, most people these days have their cards stored on their devices -- its not like she didn't have ANY access to it!


What is WRONG with Fulton County Gerogia?!?!?!

I found it rather interesting that the last thing I heard about her before the vote, was that she was trying to claim that the Oversigt committee in Georgia was RACIST ... that they didn't get formed until there were a bunch of black attorneys voted in .... um ... NO.

It doesn't take days ... or weeks ... it takes months (on the low end) and years (on a more normal scale) for these things to form ....
And they arenn't .... well, shouldn't ... be looking at only a certain group of DAs- unless it just happens to be coincidence.

But, while my generation strived to see things through color nuetral galsses, today's generation tries to see hings only with shades of grey glasses.
I know it sounds the same, but really its not.

One doesn't take color (aka race) ino consideration at all ... people are people no matter how they look - we all eat, breath, and poop .... all our blood is red.
The other compares the precieved "shade" of a person at every turn --- aka, how "grey" they are .... 

When I was very young - in the late 60s, LBJ was still in office, Viet Nam was going on, and racial discrimination was talked about everywhere ... I remember one conversation I overheard (children were to be seen and not heard, so I heard a LOT)  .... this conversation was about mixed raced kids, in kparticular black/white children.

The question was .... what race were they? They weren't black, they weren't white, and there was no other catagory where they belonged .... yeah, this was an actual conversation .... I heard it again in the 70s in my middle school - one of my friends complained that she wasn't considered "white" by whie people, and black people in her family treated her differently because she was "white" in their eyes ....

THESE people I feel sorry for ... that's why whenever I had to fill out a form which asked for my "race" I simply put in "Human" .... sometimes I'd put down "Peachy", but that always seemed to throw the workers too much.

So Fani Wallis - STILL does not understand WHY she go in trouble ....
She still believes that she did nothing wrong ....

And I'm sure she never will either ....

Remember ....

She is of the generation where "Multi Culuralism" was being forced into schools .... aka  RACE ....

Oh don't get me going on this one!

I was teaching at the time and I've got some major opinions!

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