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Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Ok - so I'm watching (and hoping it doesn't get "deleted" before I finish) Good Morning America (ABC) this morning .... a.k.a. DNC, Democrat News Central ... I'm sorry, but when Stephanopolous is on air it takes a definate turn to the left - honest ... when he's gone, it still leans left but not quite as hard ...

Although, there is a reporter ... well, she comes across more as a "Blogger" who has been hired as a reporter - she definately puts her emotions into her stories ... she seems to always get put on stories regarding RACE ... and in particular DONALD TRUMP ... and she will equate the two at a drop of a hat, but then most Democrats seem to do that - at least since he started to register as a Republican ...

Oops ... almost went off on another storyline ... back tot his reporer and her VIEWS .... 

So she's reporting on how Mr. Trump is supposed to be going after BIRTH CONTROL ... not Abortion Rights, actual Birth Control .... 

So she brings up clips of a SINGLE INTERVIEW which Mr. Trump did on a Pennsylvanian local CBS station (according to Siri, that is) where he is asked about restrictions on birthing righs ...

Mr. Trump stated that he will have a statement coming out about this very soon ... that's it ... just that a statement will be coming soon.  Remember, he is still in the middle of a trial, under a gag order (just him, no one else) and hasn't really been able to get on the campaign trail lately ... so he's being CAUTIOUS to say the least ...

Hopefully he will be just as cautious when it comes to using social media accountts this time ... but I digress ... oh he was a total idiot last time!

THAT was he statement which she equated to him taking away birth control ... even though he didn't actually say ANYTHING!

She then went on to talk about how he was taking away a "woman's right to choose"  ... because the Interviewer asked specifically about the "Morning After" pill and Mr. Trump answered that it was up to INDIVIDUAL STATES what their policy is ...

Which is what the Supreme Court said ... they did not TAKE AWAY  any Rights at all, they simply said that since it is not referenced in the U.S. Constitution that it is a STATES ISSUE .... 
Remeber, that's the way our government was meant to work ...
Anything not mentioned in the Bill of Rights or the US Constiution IS to be settled at a STATE LEVEL by each and every state in accordance to their own state constitutions ...

She then went on to say he was responsible for 21 states to "ban or restrict" access to abortion ... and, really, there aren't that many states which have out-right banned abortion!
There are quite a lot which have RESTRICTED when an abortion is allowed (generally 15-18 weeks gestation/"of pregnancy") but there are still opions for medical reasons later on ... 
The strictest restriction so far is in the state of Florida - 6 weeks of pregnancy - and most women won't find out they are pregnant UNIL they are already 6 weeks along .... since most women would be considered "pregnan" the week before their last known menstral cycle ...
Its got to do with rather having a ferilized egg (which generally happens in the filopian tubes) is consider as being "pregnant" or if its afer the egg implants itself to the uteran wall when the clock "begins" ...
I haven't heard anything about this aspect ....

She, the reporter, went on to say the Mr. Trump said he is "open" to letting states go after women who chose to have an abortion .... even if in another state - which I'm sorry, I think is wrong ... state laws end at state borders, you leave the state tehn you are no longer subject to that states laws, unless you are on Probation or Parole, or a emember of a state/city entity (but then that usually involves a felony crime)

She based this conclusion on an interview which Mr. Trump gave to "Time" magazine .... 

Here's what was said (at least what was on the pacard they put on screen):

        "It irrelevant whether I'm comfortable or not.
         It's totally Irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions"

Um ... yeah ... that was the correct answer, actually ....

He doesn't have the right, nor he POWER in the office as President to CHANGE any of this ...

And I think that is the biggest problem we have ... people seem to think that the office of president is the one who passes the law ... and that is only PARTIALLY TRUE ...
The US President can veto a law, but the US CONGRESS - specifically the Senate - can OVERTURN the veto by a 2/3 majority vote to do so .... that is, if 2/3 of the senators (67 currently) can reverse the veto of the bill and MAKE IT A LAW right then and there!!

It has not happened very often in the nation, but it HAS happened ... 

I have not been able to find much info on this reporter ... I'm not going to say her name here, I'm sure she's a great person who simply sees things in a different way from myself ...
I just wanted to point out that she seems to be making some rather large "jumps" in how she is interrupting information .... and showing her personal BIAS.

It used to be where JOURNALISTS/ REPORTERS tried their best to HIDE their PERSONAL VIEWS while doing any news story .... or maybe I just thought they did.

For reference, see past (pre-1990s) videos of Meet the Press, This Week wih David Brinkley, and Face the Nation ... see if you can tell, based ONLY on how reporting went, how the anchor's of those shows felt .... I think you'd be surprised!
Same with the Evening News programs as well ... Walter Cronkite, Perer Jennings, Edward R Marrow ... they did a great job at hiding their oppinions on things.

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