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Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 So this is the question going around the auto industries ... 
With the current "heatwave" going on in the Eastern US, and the regular weather going on in the Western US ... Electrical grids are already being strained as it is - then add a bunch of batteries needing to be charged on top of that??

Yeah - its a concern.

Plus, they have found that not only do batteries not work very well in the COLD temps up here in the north (forget Alaska, we're talking Continual US here) ....
But now they are finding issues with batteries dying super fast in the HEAT as well.

So - if you own an EV (Electric Vehicle) you better make your secondary plans, whereever you are planning to go, for an OVERNIGHT stay .... just in case.

But, really - this ISN'T the issue that will kill the industry ...
What's is going to kill it is CURRENT OWNERS.

Over HALF of the current owners of EVs polled say they will NOT buy another EV ever again.


Well, there's the battery issues - if you have to replace a battery it will cost almost $10,000-$20,000 ... flat out - that's how expense the batteries themselves are.

The batteris don't hold a charge for very long - routes have to be planned such that you will hit the maximum number of Recharging Stations along the way.
They need a SPECIAL OUTLET to recharge, so you can't just plug in anywhere and you know it's going to need that charge far away from a special plug ...
They DON'T sell plug converter kits either .... sorry.

Weather screws with them ....
You think its a bummr when you PHONE dies super quick during a conversation?
Imagine that in a CAR or TRUCK during a trip with 2 grumpy kids, a pissed of spouse, and a dog which really needs to go potty!

But the BIGGEST problem - at least during the report I saw on Special Report (FNC) is DEVALUATION ...

A regular gas car - the moment you drive off a lot, it drops in worth by 10% ... heck, we'll even go 20%

But an EV ... the moment you drive off the lot, it drops in value by 50% .... WHAT? Yup, and that's by the Industry Standards.

So you spend $50,000 on a vehicle (good luck finding an EV for that little) ... you sign the paperwork ... get the keys ... they put it in running order ... and you drive out the lot, turn around go back in, and ask for an appraisal ... just that little bit of driving - likely LESS THAN 1 mile ... no dings, no accidents ... no mileage added on ...

EV = $23,000
Gas= $40,000

Wait - What???

Yup - because while a GAS engige (or Diesil, they follow under the same rules as gas vehicles) life depends on the DISTANCE it has ran/been used on, when determining its "Wear and Tear"
An EVs "Wear and Tear" is based on the use of the Battery itself - and that begins BEFORE you even open the door.

And if you've ever boughten a pack of dead batteries before -- you know - batteries have a SHELF LIFE .... and I'm going to guess that most auto dealerships are NOT going to order you a NEW battery for your car ... especially if it's a Used Car - they just don't make that much off the sale, in reality.

Then there's the Enviromental impact ... well ... that's a whole DIFFERENT story .... for a different post.

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