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Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Special Report (FNC) is a favorite program I watch and tonight they were talking about how the Surgeon General wants to declare Gun Violence as a National Health Crisis ....
Um, okay, and???

Well then they said he is calling for the U.S. to "ban AUTOMATIC RIFLES in the US

Only thing is ....


It is AGAINST THE LAW to own ANY automatic weapon ....
You CAN own a SEMI-AUTOMATIC weapong
But NOT an Automatic one ....


A Semi-Automatic weapon reloads the chamber and it's prepped for the next shot ....
But then even a six shooter will turn the bullet chamber and set up the next bullet ....
there's a few more differences but I believe that's the main one.
Think hunting rifle .... hand gun ... shot gun ... even the police have these

An AUTOMATIC one can fire MORE THAN one bullet per trrgger pull ... as long as the trigger is engaged, it will keep spilling out bullets.
Think machine guns .... oozies ... this is a MILITARY style of weapon, and ONLY those in athority (military, police agencies) are allowed to have them ... and they know EXACTLY where they are, and WHO can use them.

And EVERYBODY who is over the age of 18 yrs old KNOWS this ...

Except for the Surgion General ...

Begs the question ...

How the heck did he get his job?

Why should they pass a set of laws that simply REPEAT WHAT'S ALREADY THERE???

This issues with laws is ... only those who ALREADY obey the laws will pay attention to any new ones.

If they are BREAKING the current laws, making new ones will make NO DIFFERENCE at all.

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