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Monday, June 03, 2024


 And people with Service Animals -- know your rights as well!!!

I found this "short" on Youtube today and had to post it

You see ... my youngest daughter has a Service Animal ... our standard poodle, Luna, is her ESA (Emotional Support Animal) - she has paperwork from her doctor and everything.
When my duaghter is on the verge of a panic attack, Luna calms her down ... when she is about to experience an EBS episode (she's been diagnosed with it), Luna senses it and tries to prevent it from occuring, or lessens the episode.

Service Animals are a real thing - they are not just take your pet to work, or on a vacation, or get some type of special perk -- that's not what they are for.

They are there to make sure a LOVED ONE gets through their day safely .... so we can hug them good night and give them a kiss on the cheek in the morning .... the loved one, not the animal.

So watch this "short" and think of who YOU would feel if this was your child ... or your sister ... or your significant other ... or your mother ...

or YOU

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