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Sunday, June 02, 2024


Okay - So I a couple days behind on watching my news stuff - just discovered I can watch the original "Matlock" on YouTube ... I'm totally loving it!  Andy Griffith was a great acor, very under-rated these days ... any how ...

Mostly its been to avoid all the bellyaching and celecbrations over the Trump trial ... it was very interesting to hear about them cheering it on "The View" ... but if you've read my past posts, you'll understand why I'm really not all that shocked ...

But on Special Report(FNC) they put up a "calendar" of what's going o happen next ... but really it was a TIMELINE (I'm kind of picky about these things).

Here's what they say is going to happen ... here's what I think should really happen ...

May 31 - Verdict rendered
June 13 - Sentencing Hearing
July 1 - Appeal (was told it must be submitted within 30 days)
June 27 - Biden v. Trump Debate #1
Jully 11 - Sentencing Hearing
July 15-18 - RNC Convention (Milwaukee, WI)
Aug 10 - Appeal Filing Deadline

You see - I recall the judge talking about the Appeal deadline of 30 days BEFORE he spoke about when the sentencing would be ....

And there is a concept which says that different staes have different times ... its a relative thing.
California Time tends to run slowly, unless you're in prison then they seem to let you out super quickly (Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, etc.)
And there's New York Time ... you've probably heard someone say, "I'd do that quicker than a NY Minute!" because it seems to go by so fast ...

Well - it seems to apply to the court systems as well ... in most cases it drags on ... like swimming in quicksand .... but when it comes to some things - sex trials such as Bill Crosby, Harvey Weinstein, etc - but very slow on other things - such as assaults, robberies, rapes, etc. ....
Then too, those which make it through appear to be done at the judge's descretion instead of by any real standard set up by the city or state.

It is up to the judge what can/can't be televised ... when media/news is/isn't allowed in the courtroom ... whether a jury is sequestered or not ... who is/is not allowed to appear ... etc. etc.

So it would not surprise me at all if they also have the power to decided EXACTLY WHEN the 30 day filling period would begin ...
I would hope that Mr. Trump's lawyers would have asked for some clarification .... IN WRITTEN FORM ... of what date the deadline actually is/was.

Because here's the thing ... if it ain't in wriing - accrding to the courts - IT DON'T EXIST!!!!

You have no idea how hard it is to not correct that sentence .... but that's the only way it sounds right, at least in my head.

So ... we will have to see.

It would be unusual for an Appeal to be filed before a sentencing, but not completely unheard of.

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