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Wednesday, June 05, 2024


I was just watching Outnumbered (FNC) and they were reporting on the Hunter Biden trial going on in Delaware ... this case refers to the ILLEGAL gun purchase based on information filled out on the Background check for said purchase.

Look - simply, Hunter Biden filled out a background check form and LIED on it so he could buy a handgun.

But that isn't actually what caught my attention .... instead they talked about his ex-wife and some of the things she had said on the witness stand - and amazingly, she apparently mentioned the reason he left the navy ...



Because they found COCAINE in his system!!!!!

okay ... I do not remember hearing anything about him using drugs WHILE in the navy ... I may have, but I'm not recalling it at all.

Now I'm not going to blame Mr. Biden for the addiction - parents should not be blamed for such things, unless they are a direct cause of it ... at a certain point, the addict has to take the blame.

But the COVER UP in order to get Mr. Biden elected? 
Doesn't this fall under the same "crime" that just got Mr. Trump in trouble?

Interesting thought ...

This sounds like it could be at least a 6 year old case .... wonder what the Statute of Limitation is on this?

I have not heard anything about it .... I'll keep an ear out.

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