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Wednesday, June 05, 2024


 Today I decided to watch The Faulkner Focus (FNC) - I tend to record it, but not watch it with the exception of the first news story, for some reason.
I do find that if there's a "live" broadcast from someplace, it tends to start during the FF program, so really, that's why I record it.
I really do LIKE Harris Faulkner, but she's become a tad "opinionated" in her reporting .... if you ask me ... 

So back to the show ... she does report on interesting things though -- today's First story was on the Executive Order concerning the SOUTHERN Border, only - he ain't gonna bother Canada at all, even though .... oops tangent again.


Remember when I said the number was going to be 2,500 a day - then it was gonna shut down?

I was wrong ...

Its going to be shut down when the number of "migrants" who cross reaches .... at least 2,500 for 7 CONSECUTIVE days ...

What this means is that 17,500 per week will be allowed in (wih exceptions for children)

So, according to the FF placard, this will still allow at least 1.i MILLION people to simply cross the border ...

2500 x 7 = 17,500 (maximum allowed per week)
17,500 x 52 weeks = 910,000 (this is about 1/2 of what her team came up with)

I think her math is way off!

Even if it goes,


that is ONE person less per week than would close the border - thus keeping them open all the time ... 
that's 52 - the number of weeks per year.
it really looks as if they DOUBLE counted the people.

So - I have not heard HOW LONG the border would be closed for ... just a couple hours? a day? a week? 

Hmmmm ....

The ACLU is threatening to take this to court ... interesting
The Republicans are calling it a "Fig Leaf" to distract people and "Window Dressing", both during poor polling numbers

But the most interesting, to me at least, is the DEMOCRATS ... they have been pushing for Open Borders my whole life ... they praised Reagan when he signed the "Amnesty"bill in the 1980s (stupidest damned thing he could have done if you ask me, I said it then, I say it now)
You would think they'd love this ....


They are calling him a "sell out" to the Republicans .... a "disappointment" was the nicest thing I've heard said, so far ... they are beginning to turn on him too.

The Border patrol - according to Harris Faulkner (she said it on air, but she may have just been reading the teleprompter) - say it like "repairing the leak on the Titanic with Chewing Gum"
WOW - that's a visual, isn't it??

"Immegration" and "Border Control" - which people keep throwing together, when they are actually totally different things .... it just annoys me to no end -  seem to be at the top of the polls all the time.

And it seems to be leaning Mr. Trumps way ... right now he is +18 points in polling on the subject.  But remember, they keep combining the two subjects.

Okay let's get this out of the way ...

IMMIGRATION = people who come to our country from anywhere in the world, by any means ... be it by student visa, work permit, permant migration - but they STAY in the country to live here.

BORDER = the line which seperates states or countries from each other ... in this case its country based - it includes BOTH Mexico and Canada ... 

Yes - there ARE crossings in from Canada, every day .... especially in states like New York and Washington state -- but most of it is in ALASKA

We don't hear a lot about Alaska, but it's happening ... It is a vast state with wide open areas, and a lot more population than we know of.

I think most Americans think of Alaska as being little more than what they've seen on tv shows like "Northern Exposure" and "Ice Road Truckers" - wait, did I just age myself with the "Northern Exposure" reference? It started out as a great series, if you can find the first few seasons when Joel first arrives there, it was great!

Anyhow - its growing (albeit slowly) whereas Juneau and Fairbanks used to be the two largest cities (they still are) ... other places like Stagway ... even the northern most city of Barrow is growing!

But the Canadian border is the LONGEST border - so its the toughest to control.  Most of it goes through woodland areas where its tough to patrol ... the second largest area is over water which could be reached by boat but easier to detect (although there was one route which bootleggers used to use ...  nevermind) ... otherwise, there is usually only one or two roads which have a crossing in each of the northern most Continual States (the lower 48 states, that is) ....


Back to the Presidential Border Move ...

The CURRENT release rate for ILLEGALS in 78% ... that means that no matter where they came from (and according to the reporter they had on scene, most of those crossing into CA are actually from the Middle East)  almost 4/5 of them are being let go ... with Appearance tickets issued .... I'm going to guess, a lot of those just get ignored.

There is also supposed to be over 350,000 cases DROPPED - so these people have been given "amnesty" - they haven't said why they've been dropped, just that they've been dropped.

We will have to see what happens ...

Also - remember that those who come through by the Mexican Cartels, have said they've paid OVER $10,000 to get to the USA ... I'm sorry - that's a LOT of money.

It used to be people would cross illegally because they DIDN'T have the money to cross legally.

So WHY are they paying so much to get across?  
How much DOES it cost these days to get across LEGALLY?
My understanding, from talking to my late Uncle from Mexico, is that the MAJORITY of the money spent is actually for BRIBES to officials (of course this was back when too) ...

My hubby's family had a gal who married into the family, who came from Australia, who said that she couldn't go back "home" to visit her mother who was deathly ill, because she wasn't ALLOWED to leave the country for 5 years because of the way she came in ... I'm not sure what that was about, I just know what was said.

I do know, my Uncle was able to cross in and out of Mexico all he wanted while married to my Aunt ... so I don't know. (No I'm not sure when my aunt married him, I want to say before I was born, but I'm am sure it was not the first marriage for either of them)

But that's it.

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