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Monday, June 03, 2024


 I have been hunting for this for the longest time ... haven't been able to find it, but on Face the Nation (CBS) on 02 june 2024 (yesterday) Gov. Doug Burgum (R-North Dakota) said it was 2 years.

That is from the time it occured NOT from the time it gets filed.

These charges were filed in 2023, so unless the records had taken place AFTER 2021 - then the Stature of Limitations had already RUN OUT!!!!

And since Cohen had, in fact, been convicted on tax issues and purjury in 2018 -- there is no way in blazes these records should have been used.

Burgum also pointed out that in the CBS poll, which the host kept bringing up because the numbers favored her point so well, he told the audience that ...

2/3 of those polled admitted to not paying attention to the trial ... which means that any information they got was likely through the grapevine or social media ...

I actually have an issue with their numbers - they all add up to 100% ... and the Margin of Error is OVER 5%!!!
That's a horrible MoE -- its practically unreliable.
They also don't post how many people were surveyed.
I'm wondering if this is a "go to our site and take our poll" type of things, which skew the polling data something fierce!

But now I know ... even if everyone else missed it ... 2 years

These misdermeanors should never have been used ... they needed new ones to make this a felony in my mind.

So now .... was there a crime?
No, not legally

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