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Monday, June 03, 2024


 Okay 0 I wasn't going to be 3 days late on today's news, and I'm so glad I tuned in!  I have watched a lot of news stories today - Monday 03June2024 - because Dr. Fauci was appearing in a House Committee Hearing today .... but that is NOT this post (more on this one later) ...

I was watching Special Report (FNC) - yup, this one again, I just find its "honest" about most matters - and they were talking about how the Democrats have been popping up all over television/cable with the same message:

Trump is a convicted felon

And, yes, he is ... but there is still a possiblity that could be overturned ... and no matter what happens, we have to resoect the law.

But - then they pop up a Tweet (I'm not really sure what you call it on X anymore) ... from Senator Dean Phillips (D-MN) who tried to run against Mr. Biden for the nomination as candidate for the next election ...
He didn't do very well, but then he arrived late, and basically only ran so people would have a "choice".

But his post read as follows:
"You think pardoning is stupid? //Making him a martyr over a payment to a porn star is stupid.  (Election charges are entirely different). // Its energizing his base, generating record sums of campaign cash, and will likely result in an electoral boost."  01Jun2024
the "//" marks indicate a paragraph in his post, or an "enter" key stroke - it's just on this platform it does not like like indenting when there are "paragraphs"/enter keystrokes within the indented bit ... I can't figure how to fix it at all.

But any how - Dean Phillips ... nice guy for the most part, I understand ... however - he is a full blown DFLer ... emphasis on the "D" part.

Since he said the "election charges" were a different matter ... I'd like to know what he'd recommend!
Jail? Doesn't sound like it ...
Fine? They are huge on fines in MN, but again - its going to cause big issues
Slap on wrist? interesting concept

It does sound like he favors PARDONING Mr. Trump for the crimes ... taking the air out from under Mr. Trump's wings, basically, so he can't say "Political Witch Hunt" anymore .... 
It would make the Biden White House look extremely generous .... but if it does happen, I suspect it wouldn't be until after the election - if Biden wins again, that is

But then these are STATE CRIMES ... not federal ones.
I'm not so sure any president can pardon a state crime ... gonna have to do a bit more research on this one.


Still ... he was running for the presidency

He might not have been that bad of a guy ... although, our taxes would have jumped like you wouldn't believe!!!

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