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Friday, June 07, 2024


 Okay, so I'm catching up on my news programs today ... I generally have a routine so I can clear my dvr and clear spae quicker ...

Good Morning America, always goes first - this clears out 2 hours even though I only seem to watch 1-1 1/2 hours of it (the last 30 minutes is usually "fluff")
Outnumbered, I watch the entire thing ... I really like this show, and I can get a look at what's going on in the nation without too much fuss .... and yes, I try my best to weed out any leanings.
Fuulkner Focus, yeah I save this for last ... unless there's a hearing or a trial going on, then I tend to watch it before Outnumbered so it's chronological.  I like the show, but I find that after the first story, it can sometimes be a repeat of what happened on Outnumbered, which is okay if I want a deeper delve into a story, but mostly its just for the first couple.

Today, however - I was stopped at the beginning of The Faulkner Focus (FNC) by a piece from the program before it ...

Um ... Her IQ really shone though here ...

"..especially poignant, Bill, because as you mentioned, the age of surviving veterans now, from D-Day, range ranges from late 90s to mid-100s, this could be one of the last years when the Presidernt does this, when the world performs ..."

Did you catch it?


Yeah - I don't think there is ANYONE in the world who is 150 years old! if there is - they deserve a medal just for living that long!

I've gotta say ... Fox News .... wow ... just .... wow

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