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Friday, June 07, 2024


So it seems that being on a jury these days, just isn't what it used to be .... they have got to bring back Civics classes!

In MN, there is a court hearing going on over the misappropriation of funds from a government program to feed children during the 2020-21 health scare (you know the one) ...

The current trial involves 2 men and 4 women, who supposably used the money to pay for cars, homes, vacations, etc. just about anything - but NOT for the program.
There are still something like 40 others still in the wings waiting their turn.
But THIS is NOT the problem ...

A JUROR had to be dismissed, because someone - the defendants say they have "no idea" who it could be - dropped off a bag to a relative's home of said juror .... said to tell her that when she got them OFF (not guilty) she'd "get more" .... what was in the bag?


OH MY - luckily, the JUROR, themself, brought it to the courts attention! But, yeah, they had to let this juror off ....
The other juror case I want to bring up, I just heard on Special Report (FNC) ....

The New York court is in a tizzy! 
Mr. Trump's lawyers are in a tizzy!
The Prosecution is in a tizzy!


Because BEFORE the verdict was in - while NOT sequestered - one of the jurors TALKED to someone!

That's a big, BIG no-no!

They said that there was a SOCIAL MEDIA post, in which the COUSIN of one of the jurors said they had been told BY THE JUROR that Mr. Trump was going to be found Guilty!

Funny thing though -- they aren't supposed to be talking to ANYBODY about the case .... not even amongst themselves .... so HOW would this person already know how they were going to decide??

They are FRANTICALLY trying to figure out which juror the poster is a cousin to.

This is why MOST juries get sequestered!

They can control who they see, who they talk to, what they read, etc.  They can ever block the internet, if they feel it's necessary.

I've got a feeling this is going to get nullified ... but we will have to see.

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