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Monday, June 17, 2024


I was getting ready to watch "The Faulkner Focus" today, when I caught the last few moments of a story from the show before it on FNC ...

There has been an ANNOUNCEMNET of a new airplane factory to be built in North Carolina ... I did not hear the name of the manufacturer though ... the factory will specifically be for producing SUPERSONIC PLANES ...

The owner(s) say that because of the newer materials being used, it will cost LESS to operate than planes such as the Concorde ....
So, therefore, the price to ride one of these planes will be around the price of a business class ticket.

But what wasn't said was whether the cost of that business-class ticket was staying the SAME or GOING UP???

Even more interesting is the notion of Phil Blow down the road being able to ride on the same plane as, say, Barack Obama ....
You don't think he rides on commercial flights do you?

In general, planes like the Concorde have "prestige" because only the welthy can afford to ride them ... 

Take that away and what do you have?

Just an ordinary plane that flies really fast, but can't carry as many people.

Oh - and in these planes, weight counts - so you will have to tell them how much you weigh, and get your luggage weighed ... and if they exceed the weight regulation by just 1 oz -- someones gonna get bumped@!

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