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Sunday, June 16, 2024


So on Face the Nation (CBS) they wre interviewing the Gov. of Maryland, Wes Moore ... it started as a piece on the Baltimore Bridge (Scott Key) and the channel whech was reopened in a record of 11 WEEKS ....
Let's hope they got everything out of the channel, else we will be having yet another disaster on that river.
The Bridge itself is NOT repaired yet .... it is ESTIMATED to cost almost $2BILLION ($1.9  billion is the top most according to the Governor)  BUT this issue they were talking about was how it was going to be paid for ...
He, of course, wants FEDERAL MONEY to cover it -- and it makes some sense, it's an Interstate bridge and a national port - he said he wasted a "full share" financially .... but I'm not sure what that means.
I dont think the Feds should have to pay for ALL of it ... but SOME of it -- remember, when work is done on Interstates in the US, generally its the STATES which pay for the work.

But then .... and I don't understand why she did this ... she jumped into NATIONAL issues ....
about 8 terrorists which were arrested in NY, Philly, Vegas, Los Angeles ...
And about an ILlegal which had killed a woman in Oklahoma ... it turns out that he also killed a woman in his homeland .Guatamala ... the state is over 1800 miles from the border, and people are pissed off!

But WHY is she asking this guy about these questions?

They do NOT entail his state ... I haven't heard anything about him running for a federal office, or getting on Biden's cabinet. 

I just find it very intersting ....

I'm wondering if she knows something we don't ... yet.

Like maybe .... just maybe .... Biden is going to DROP OUT of the race after the VP debate - and HE is going to step up in one of those 2 positions.

She then went on to ask about why 18% of black voters say they support Mr. Trump (this number is twice what it was in 2020) ... and she also mentioned that across the nation, they were "basically" tied - but she did not say if that was all voters, or just the black voters, so I'm assuming its ALL voters.

He was allowed to NOT answer the question - instead he talked about "red lining" and "equity of wealth" .... but he NEVER answered WHY Biden was LOSING the black voters.

I can tell you ...
Because they - like anyone else - don't like being told how they SHOULD vote based on ONE thing in their life.

Women hated it when Hillary said they had to vote for her, and blacks hate being told they "aren't black" if they don't vote for Biden!

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