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Thursday, June 27, 2024


Okay - so hubby and I were traveling earlier this week when something dawned on me ...

What happens IF Joe Biden WINS on November 5th, then say in Decembrer he decides to resign - 

WHO then gets sworn in on Inauguration Day?

After all - Harris WOULD be able to take over the rest of his CURRENT term .... 
But if he hasn't been sworn in for a SECOND term ....

Can she LEGALLY .... CONSTITUTIONALLY ... take over as President?

We've never had a President NOT get sworn in before not finishing a term ... and it used to be that they were sworn in RIGHT AFTER being elected - which, because of war (usually) the dates have been varied over the years.

But its an interesting question ....

If Trump WINS, and has a stroke or heart attack BEFORE being sworn in and DIES -- 
Will his Vice Presidental choice AUTOMATICALLY become the President then???

It's an interesting thought ... which I'm guessing the Forefathers NEVER thought of ...

And like "what happens" didn't occur until after Lincoln was shot -- it will be interesting to see what could happen in the future.

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