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Thursday, June 27, 2024


Okay - so Outnumbered (FNC) did some digging, and found out HOW MUCH each of these Economists DONATED not to the Biden campaign - but rather to the Democratic party (see that's how they get around the whole "bias" thing, by giving to the party and not the candidate).

Here's what they found:

Joseph Stiglitz: $90,000
George Akerlofe: $90,000
Claudia Goldin: $8,000+
Eric Maskin: $3,000
Daniel McFaddin: $4,500+
Roger Myerson: $40,000+
Edmund Phelps: $1,500+
Alvin Roth: $1,250
William Sharpe: $1,000
Robert Shiller: $20,000+
Christopher Sims: $9,000+

Remember - the TIMING of the letter should make everyone go "Hmmmm"
Not because a letter was written
Not because the majority of people who signed it are donors
Not because it chose one side or the other
But because of the TIMING that the letter was released.
The DAY OF the debate, seems awfully suspicious to me ... but then it could be that the letter had been released earlier and we are just hearing about it now, too.
Then, I think the blame goes the other way ...

But who knows these days ....

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