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Friday, June 28, 2024


So America, under the leadership of President Biden (see I give him credit), had built a pier along the Palestinian coast in order to get aid to regions in Northern Gaza where it's supposed to have the most need ...

Well, they have decided (Biden administration) to pull the pier due to weather - I saw a reporter doing a story while standing on the pier and it looked very dangerous ... it looked like a bunch of milk cartons held together by dental floss - I know its better than that but it looked really bad.
**I** do not like bodies of water, and I give the reporter total props for what she did - you could NOT pay me enough to get me on a ship of ANY kind (if its not a pontoon on a quiet lake, I ain't going!) .... she was so much braver than I!

She mentioned that while she was there doing preliminary interviews, the platforms which is what the piers are made of, were flexing so badly above the waves/swells moving beneath them that there were times you could NOT move from one to the next!

BUT .... these aren't CIVILIAN reporters working on this thing .... these are MILITARY personale who are TRAIND to handle being on them and moving around.
I highly doubt seasickness is the reason they're pulling it ... 

Well that's actually not my issue with this.

The Relief items/food/medical supplies which were supposed to be delivered are STILL just sitting there ....
In a warehouse ....
Because they said they "couldn't deliver them where they were needed"


During WW2, President Truman would have FIGURED IT OUT - there would have been MORE THAN one way to get it in ....

During the Marshall Plan, they not only dropped supplies & food in via Air Drop, but they also had land vehicles bringing it in as well ...

They did what they needed to do to get it WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE.

What the H--- has happened to our "Can Do" spirit??
What has happened to our military, that they haven't gotten the majority of those supplies out??
What the H-E-Double L has happened to the presidency where we just can't seem to truly COMMIT to A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G!

Holy Crap!! 

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