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Monday, July 01, 2024

SUPREME COURT: waiting to here verdict

I will be waiting to hear the Courts decision, like so many others, as to whether Mr. Trump can be tried for things he did while President of the United States ....

But apparently there is a misnomer out there (being pushed by Smith) that the reason Nixon got PARDONED after he resigned was because it was the ONY way he wouldn't have been prosecuted ...

Ummm .... NO

He was PARDONED because it settled the question over what had happened and why they COULDN'T go after him .... also, it would have cleared him of any charges which would have taken place during the Viet Nam war as well ...

But it was NOT to shield him from prosecution ....
It was so the NATION could MOVE ON ...

As President Gerald Ford had said at the time he told the nation about the pardon.

Keep an eye out for the DECISION later on .... but it is likely going to be late, as I am traveling today.
If my stomach cooperates ....
It didn't Saturday, nor yesterday ...

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