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Monday, June 17, 2024

 \I will have to look to see if I can find videos of Biden these last couple weeks ...

We all know he is having some issues ... I do NOT think it has anything to do with "age" but it has everything to do with "Cognition" ....

Most of the footage would be at the D-Day gattherings - I saw one today of when he was at a parachute thing .... he and other leaders of the Allied countries were watching a reinactment of when men were dropped by parachute onto Normandy to begin "clearing the way" for the upcoming invasion.

We've all seen the video of him walking away from the other leaders, and someone going back to get him .... but the clips we've seen has been very zoomed in - we didn't see that there was NO ONE behind Mr. Biden, so despite what reporters said, he was NOT going over to talk to a jumper.
It also turns out that the woman who went to fetch him was NOT Jill Biden, it was the leader of Italy!!!

After this, I thought they had put the clip into Slow Motion - Mr. Biden was putting on hissunglasses - but it turns out it WASN'T in SloMo at all!!
He was just moving that slow ... if you watch the Italian PM and, I think , the Canadian PM (Trudeau?) you will see them movin g at normal speed .... 

This is getting very scary to say the least!

Then they showed a clip of Biden in Los Angeles at a fund raiser - with George Clooney & Julia Roberts - and at the end, Biden, Obama and some other guy (I didn't recognize him, but then he wasn't my focus) were standing on the stage .... taking in all the applause.
OBAMA reached over and grabbed Biden by the hand/wrist and then starts to lead him off the stage ... once he got Biden going the way he wanted him to, he put his hand on his back and guided him the rest of the way.

My understanding is that Biden Staff do not like, don't get along with, Obama staff ...
And really, that's not all that surprising .... nor is it unheard of.
Usually though, it is because the VP staff gives vibes that the VP wants to become President in their own right ...
Although, it has been said Gerald Ford's staff did not like Nixon staff during his time as VP - but that's a whole different story.

I will look for those clips - if I find them, I will put them in this post.

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