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Tuesday, June 18, 2024


If you know, you know ....

But it is what the (White House) Press Secretary, Jean-Pierre, is saying!

During a press conference - she has quite a few during the week, so perhaps "conference" is a bit much - she told the Gaggle (the official name for a group of reporters) were told that ANYONE who shares these images are sharing faked videos.

Neverminded the fact that ALL the news networks havee broadcast the same videos - and they have checked them out very carefully ....

Wait, it gets better ....

She could not get which term she wanted to use for the videos straight ...
Sometimes she called them CHEAP FAKES, sometimes she called them DEEP FAKES ....

But, let's face it ...

This is the "Russian Disinformation" or the "C-19" of this election run!

Look -  if it happened once, maybe even twice .... maybe if it were in videos where he was by himself - then yeah, I think it could be sellable to the public ....

But this has been happening since 2021 - shortly after the State of the Union speech ... which he gave late, remember?
I think they had to figure out his medication scheduale again, and that can really mess with how well they work ...

It can take months before the body recalibrates again - it can take years for some people .... it can completely blow whatever advantages that medications have brought ...

especially the ones for Alzheimer's or Dementia ...

Any one who has dealt with an older person knows these signs ...
It could be a loss of hearing - when people can't hear, refuse to admit it, they get easily "offended", aka mad, when they can't hear what you're saying to them ... they try to figure it out - and if they can't they get "miffed".
This also explains his slurring when he speaks - depending on the cause of his hearing loss, he may not even be able to hear HIMSELF ... 
A lot of people don't understand this - because we tend to ignore ourselves when we speak ... but if you try (and it will make you stammer while doing this) while you are speaking to listen to yourself - put your fingers in you ears and speak - you can indeed hear yourself.
Now imagine what would happen if that is taken away!
It could be something as common as fluid in the ear, a regular inner ear infection (not all bring a temperature) -- OR -- it could be something along the lines of an issue with the cochlea - a part of the inner ear which carries "sound" waves to the brain.  It looks like a seashell, thus the name, but it is filled with litle hairs in a fluid ...
Well - this is turning into an anatomy lesson - let's just say there is a conditin where the "shell" begins to "harden" or, rather, the fluid begins to thicken and crystalize which deadens the passing of sound.
It can be fixed with an operation - my Aunt had it donw TWICE (first time didn't work) - and then things were fine.
But it's a case of "sooner is better" - otherwise it may not work at all.
IF that's the issue.

It would also explain his troubles walking - you'd be surprised at how much the ears have to do with balance ... watch a child with an ear infection - you'll see it more the younger they are - they will show signs of inbalance - they will sway while standing still, they will stumble/trip a little more, if they are very young, they may not even WANT to get up to move.

But the trouble with his leg - 
Now we know that his doctor has noted on his yearly check up that he has ARTHRITIS in one of his hips ... I have noticed that he twists his right leg a bit while walking ...
This could be because of the arthritis, or it could be simply the way his therapist has suggested he walks on it - it looks awkward, and painful.
I really wonder what they are using for pain management.
Some doctors will say to simply take OTC meds ... others may prescribe such things as Oxycodone .... aka "Hillbilly Crack" because it is so addictive ....
Heck - I had a doctor prescribe it when I had a tooth pulled! I didn't take any ... but I thought about it.

Personally, I think its a medication thing -- I think they have had to "play" with his medication schedule since he's been President.
He is now "on call" 24/7 ... and he has a lot of trips which he has had to take ... 
That's a LOT of time zones -- and while he might be used to the time changes in the USA, just 3 hours difference between East/West coasts (8 ET is 5PT) ... When you take a trip to the UK, it is a 6 hour difference (8ET is 3GMT) ...
and I'm pretty sure that they have probably tried Zulu time or Universal Time with him as well - but that can still be messed up with meetings, speeches, events, etc.

It might even intrrupt his sleep .... which will cause all sorts of other issues.

Oh my ... This all started with those videos and has dissolved into a talk about medicine.

And really, it's all pretty immaterial (turns out I've been saying it wrong for 50 years!) ... he has issues ...

He can't remember things correctly
He seems to have issues with his sight
He appears unstable on his feet
He is argumentative

Look - ( don't even think he's actually going to be on the ticket ... if he is, he will resign shortly after taking office - leaving us with Kamala Harris in charge (ooo, that actually sent a chill down my spine!)

I think he is going to wait until just before the DNC convention, and then announce that he's dropping out.
It does seem as if they've already figured out his "replacement" (not Harris, thank goodness) in the Governor of Maryland ...

But we will see.

Next week is the 1st Presidential Debate ...

Here's hoping they 'PLAY NICE' AND keep things above board ...
Remember - they tried to help Hillary a couple times - even to the point of getting her the questions which would be asked ahead of time!

My question is -- IF Biden dows drop out, what happens to all the Mail-In votes and Early Votes for him?
Technically, since he wouldn't be on the ticket anymore, they should be TRASHED .... somehow, I can see certain states passing something which will give them to whomever is running for the party.

We will have to see what kind of turmoil this years election will bring.

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