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Saturday, June 22, 2024


I married a Sweet Corn farmer .... It happens to be one of my top favoritre vegetables - especially ON the cob ... YUM!!
Nothing quite like eating it like a rack on a typewriter -- do you guys even know what one of those is?

Anyhow ...

I was watching a video on YouTube today and the gal was saying how sweet corn in her neck of the woods is being sold, regular priced, for $1.50 a cob!!!

I thought OMG - that's $16.00 a dozen I never heard of such a thing

So, I looked up the "sneak peak" of tomorrow's sale ad for out larget local (big box) store .... Cub Foods .... and there they have listed ...
$4.99 for 5 cobs!!!!!!

OMG - so in the middle of CORN COUNTRY - MN/WI grows a LOT of corn ... in the middle of the place where the highest I've ever seen corn go is $6,00 a dozen ...

We are NOW paying 

$12 a dozen .... that's a $1 a COB!!!

That's ridiculous!

I don't understand it ... but then I thought about it ...

Cub Foods RARELY buys produce locally (its a tad too early for ripe sweet corn up here) ... 

So there is OVERHEAD ....
That is higher wages
Cost of transportation
Enery to keep it fresh
then there's all the TAXES which MN adds to things sold in the state.

I don't think we will be having ANY corn on the cob this year -- too late to plant any ... and we aren't rich enough to buy it.

So -- if YOU want sweet corn ... better keep an eye out for Roadside Sales ...

That's likely the only place you'll be able to get it this year.

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