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Friday, June 21, 2024


So the Supreme Court has put out a verdict today on a case involving a man convicted of Domestic Violence and whether he can own a gun or not ... or have a gun or not - I'm not really sure how it was worded.

And in an 8-1 ruling .... the Courts said:
"When an induvudyak oises a clear threat of physical violence to another, the threatening individual may be disarmed.
Chief Justice Roberts
US Supreme Court
Majority ruling

The LONE decentor ... Justice Clarence Thomas (really?) ... said:
"The question is whether the Government can strip the Second Admendment right of anyone subject to a protective order -- even he has never been accused or convicted of a crime. It cannot."


They had also came up with ruling over Bump Stocks .... CLarence Thomas saying that they did not meet the definition of a "machine gun" because they still required a pull on the trigger for EACH bullet fired.

I do not recall what the split was on this one, I want to say 6-3 .... but don't hold me to that.

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