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Wednesday, July 03, 2024


I know - but I'm not feeling very good today ... slept most of yesterday too ... I picked something up when I back to town last week ... this could take a while.

Anyways - back to the post ...

Today a group of Governors of the US, all of whom happen to be membrs of the democratic party - are going to meet with Biden today.
This was a last minute meeting, so there's a feeling they are going to ask him to drop out of the race.

Where the heck have they been for the last couple of years???

Did they not see him at Easter with the bunny? Did they not see him have to be escorted off so many stages?  Where were they when he fell up and down stairs?  Where were they when he read stage direction during a speech?
Hell, where were they when he YELLED at the press?

The man has an issue - this was NOT a one time thing .... and it's been around long enough for them to have said something, anything, before the Primary season had even stareted!

But they figured they had their "puppet" in place and they weren't going to switch.

But the debate - and the response by NEWS NETWORKS afterwards - have made them realize that they can't hide it any longer.
They realized the strings holding their pupper are beginning to unravel and break.

BUT - I think they will be looking for trouble if they decide to go with a President Kamala Harris ... which we may have for a little bit, since I'm pretty sure he's going to leave office if they pull him as the nominee ... but she has NO record, at least not a good one, of accomplishing ANYTHING as Vice President.

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