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Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Yeah, they began before the debate was even over .... an HOUR into the debate, Biden's team started saing "well, he has a cold"- which would make you think he ws taking something for the symptomes, like Sudafed or the like, maybe even prescription ...

But according to Jean-Pierre today during the Press Briefing, he was NOT taking ANY cold medication ... and yes, she SPECIFIED Cold medication ... but didn't take it any farther other than to say, that information came from the President's physician.

So ... that means, someone COULD HAVE given him something WITHOUT the doctor's knowledge ... or he could have taken it on his own.

I have heard that several on the Biden team calld for him to step away from going on stage -- wait for it -- but Jill Biden said NO, he'd be find.

The "preperation" for the debate was supposed to take 8 days at Camp David ... with 15 or 16 people helping to prep him and giving mock debates ...
Word has come out that the sessions didn't begin until 11:00am and ended at 4:00pm, with an AFTERNOON NAP scheduled during the day as well.

Okay - my father-in-law didn't start having a schedule like this until he was in his 90s, it got even worse when he was fighting an infection or there was a change to his medication.
Take it for what you will.

There are already reports that he only works from 10-4pm ... but being President isn't a 6 hour a day job (yup, we've a Part Time worker in the White House now) ... oh and tht doesn't take out the time he uses for his "afternoon nap".

For Biden's excuses?"
Well,he ISN'T saying he had a cold anymore ... 
Now he's blaming it on all the traveling he did at the BEGINNING of the month (D-Day) for his poor performance at the debate ... saying he should have listened to his staff and advisors when they told him it would be too much for him.

Um .... wait ....

So a trip which lasted 6 or 7 days for the President (11 time zones) -- where issues which were broadcast were called "Cheap Fakes" right away ... may not have been fake at all.

But this trip, which is a NORMAL PART OF THE JOB as President, was enough to make him slip up on the debate stage 2-3 weeks later? Depending on if you start counting from the beginning or the end of the trip.

I'm sorry, but "jet lag" can usually be settled in a couple days (so I've been told) ... I'm even willing to give him a week because of medication changes - remember that much of what took place over them happened during the day, but over here it was still late night or early morning.

While they could have kept his med schedule on Am3rican time, the effects of the meds would have hit during the events he had to attend.
And some of those meds could make him sleepy.

Speaking of sleepiness ... 

Biden has admitted that at one point during the debate he nearly fell asleep!

what did I do there?? I hit two keys at the same time and I don't know how I zoomed in the words like that ... I mean, it's important, but not THAT shocking, to tell the truth.
Oh well.
So back to Biden ...
And yes, he did need Jill to help him down the steps ... I've noticed him squinting more, so he could be having sight issues - which is not uncommon as we get older ... and I don't think America would hold it against him if he suddenly wore glasses - in fact, they'd probably hold him in higher esteem.

But we will have to see what NEW excuses pop up a little farther down the line.

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