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Saturday, July 06, 2024

THE "INTERVIEW" ...yeah, right

This was the absolutely  most pitiful thing I have seen since I purchased "Druids" from Walmart for less than $5 (should have been my first clue it was a bad movie) .... but I will be posting a transcript of this "farce" later ...

Don't get me wrong --
George Snufflelumpagus asked some questions ... most pretty softball-ish, but a couple tougher ones ... but the whole thing was only scheduled for 30 minute ...
The interview itself was a WHOPPING

22 minutes long

BUT - this is about some of the AFTERMATH ... remembber, I'm putting up the transcript of it later ...

This one is the response from the MN Republican Party (as shown by KSTP-TV, local ABC channel) on the NightCast News show.

"...Voters know he is not competent.  Democrats know he is not capable of being president..." David Hann, Chariman, MN Republican Party

Well ain't that an UNDERSTATEMENT
I'm sure there was Of courea LOT more to this quote, but this is all they put up on their placard.

And while it is rather unusual for the MORNING programs to trim things down .... I'm not so sure about the LATE news program ....

I will have to wait until GL is off vacation, and the Mayor of Gumption Cunty, MN is back on air .... giving us his bits of wisdom - kind of.

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