May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Friday, September 27, 2024


Save yourself a headache - this show is on ABC and is just a modern version of The Love Boat (ABC, 1970s) .... it's a tad more raunchy ... 
From a DISNEY channel .... ABC is owned by Disney ... and, YES ....

This is NOT your grandma's Love Boat though - with that show, you needed an imagination to understand what they were talking about ...

This show is racier than a Mexican Soap Opera (Telemundo must have had a hand in this one) ...

First there's a case of Mercury poisoning from eating too much shrimp
Then there's a Broken Penis ... really??
Then the guy who was poisoned, ends up needing surgery for something his wife did to him, or he'll DIE 
And finally, there's a man overboard ... which they just happen to find ... 

Do producers even bother to do their jobs anymore???
What happened to "original ideas"??

I'm waiting for the new version of "Hogan's Hereos" and "Laugh-In" ... I'm telling you ....

If you can - watch ANY of the old shows from the 70's and 80s .... they are going to come back, repackaged and souped up ....

but with all the sharp edges still on.

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