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Monday, September 30, 2024


I cannot believe this -- I haven't seen a WORD about this on Good Morning America this morning .... I'm really beginning to question the Disney Corporation ....

Dame Maggie Snith - known to most children as "Mrs. McGonagall" passed away on Friday 27Sept2024 ...

I found out about it while watching a PBS show, Ridley, this weekend - it opened with a small placard ...
I suppose from the PBS system, because she had nothing to do with the show itself ...

I could see them not mentioning it on Friday ... since I don't know when on Friday sfirshe had passed away - perhaps after the show, or slightly before ...
Or maybe, and actually more likely, the press wasn't informed until afterwards ...

But if PBS could get a placard made by Sunday night - surely ABC, owned by Disney Corp, could have gotten an announcement in the first hour of their news broadcast - even during the sceond hour media gossip section, I didn't hear a thing about it!!

So sad .... she was a part of so many of our lives for so long ... and while the youth might remember her as McGonagall ... 

I will treasure her as Lady Violet Grantham from Downton Abbey ...

So to honor her - here is a video i FOUND on YouTube ...

again .... NOT MY VIDEO ...
I will likely add more videos as I find them.


I knew Maggie Smith had a long career, but I forgot most of these!

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