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Sunday, September 22, 2024


I have fallen behind on one of my Sunday shows ...At Issue (KSTP, ABC local) .... I have 4 episodes to comment on ...

The first is all the way back to the beginning of the month - September 1st!!!

Walz had just been picked as VP candidate ... and a lot of people in the state had hoped this would have meant he was going to resign his post - but he didn't, darn it - but he hasn't exactly been doing the business of The People either.

In fact, his schedule for the first full week in the month only had him scheduled to be her 2 days!!  While every other day, almost, had him making campaign stops ....

Well - we have been doing just fine wihou him .... alhough I'm not so sure how much has actually been given to the Lt. Governor ...

I would think people would start to do "wait, you mean Walzisn't here? Things run so much smoother wihou him"

He is no Jesse Ventura - who seemed to be in the local news at least once a week when he was Governor ....

He's no Tim Palenty - he ran for President, and if it hadn't been for shinanigans down in Iowa with how the caucus was tallied, he might have actually made it to the final 3 .... He was a great Governor.

Tim Walz became Governor - saw there was a surplus and spent it all ... to the point to where, unless there's another surplus the state will be operating in he red.

He's been an AWFUL Governor!

Taxes have gone up .....
Crime has gone up ....
He's put his wife in charge of programs which SHOULD have gone to an ELECTED official .... nupitism is alive and well ....

Some people will vote for the team - just to get him out of the state 
Some will vote for him because they actually believe he's a good guy
But MOST of the people will vote for him simply because of the "D" behind his name.

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