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Monday, September 23, 2024


 Yup, there's a new version of that great TV show Matlock .... only instead of Andy Griffith (R.I.P) it has Kathy Bates as "Matlock" ....

But while I originally thought "oh great, they are revamping the old show - watch them screw it up" ....

It's not ....

Not even close to being a "re-do" .... the Name and the profession are the ONLY things the two shows have in common ....

Now I missed the original premiere yesterday (knew I was forgetting something) - luckily Xfinity has this thing where you can SOMETIMES watch episodes of shows, without having to use your DVR ....

And it's FREE to those with an acct on their internet site or app.

Anyhow - the ORIGINAL version had Matlock - a widowed lawyer, with 2 daughters (Charlene and Leeane) who worked wih him ....

I figured oh - I'm going to guess this is one of his daughters stories ... WRONG

The NEW version is about Maddy Matlock - a 65 year old lawyer, who is returning to work after 30 years, and is raising her grandson, she also has a dead daughter - presumably this boy's motther .... oh, and she's divorced or widowed, they don't really get into it.

But at the end of the pilot we find this is mostly a LIE .... Her husband is alive and they are still married ... her grandson doesn't look 12 years old - more like 10 yrs old - and loves his grandma (she told her coworkers he loatthed her) ... and she is a lawyer by she stopped working 10 years earlier .... and she does have a dead daughter .... which is where we find out her real purpose for the charade ...

It shows some promise - I just think they should have called it something else!!

This is less about being a lawyer and more about being s spy .... 

And it gives Kathy Bates a platform for putting out her left-leaning, Uber Liberal, self-righteous CRAP!

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