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Friday, October 11, 2024


Okay -So, 'm watching todays Outnumbered (FNC) and they show a clip of Gov. Whitner (D-MI) being fed a Dorito chip by VP Harris ...

And all the people say is something about how this was supposed to be about the "chips" act ...

NO -- this was a BLATANT dig at the Church!!!

Whitner isn't just being fed a chip while sitting in a CHAIR .... not even a HIGH CHAIR ... 

no - she is KNEELING as if she were at a COMMUNION RAIL!!!!

And, yes, there are still Churches which do it this way!!!

It is poking fun at a RELIGIOUS GROUP .... and it is WRONG ....

They wouldn't do this against Jewish people ....

They wouldn't do this against Muslim/Islamic people (although my kids keep telling me these are two different religions) ...

They wouldn't do it against Buddists ...

They wouldn't do it against Atheists ....

But if your Christian ... especially Catholic or Mormon/Latter Day Saints ... you seem to be FAIR GAME ....

I'm sorry ....

That is sooo wrong ....

Looks to me as if .... I almost hate to say it, but ....

If you vote the Dems in .... you're going to end up with The Hunger Games in REAL LIFE ...

I think we are already seeing it, actually -- have you seen the prices at the stores???

We have a warehouse membership, my oldest daughter (union-worker) has a membership to the other ... both warehouses - which is supposed to save us money - has prices on meat at a decent price ....

I'm sorry - if you think this is going to get any better by the holidays - guess again ....

Walmart ... the store the liberals seem to want to hate -- has said they have locked in their prices for a Thanksgiving meal (with all the trimmings) for around $8 or so ....

We will see ....

I think it will all depend on what happens after the election ...

If Harris loses - I'm going to guess she, and the oher "dems" are going to "let it ride" .... and we are all screwed ...

But, if she wins .... we're all screwed anyways -- because she won't be in charge of nothin'

And - if Tim Walz gets in?
If he ends up as VP, for some stupid reason?

We're all screwed!

But Christians, the whole lot, will be burned on the pyre .... or fed to the lions ....

Get ....


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