May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Tuesday, October 08, 2024


I was listening to a show today - can I remember which show?  NO - and they were talking about why people who got hit by Hurricane Helene might NOT want FEMA to help them ....

It sounds counterintuitive but there's a very good reason behind it ....

Right now, help is coming from EVERYDAY people .... groups .... things are getting along .... some are from churches, but a lot of it is simply by individuals and 401-3G (I think that's what they're called) .... but all the private donations/efforts need to STOP and only go though FEMA ....

They will go into donation sites and confiscate all that has been donated, and ship it to their warehouses ... from there FEMA will decide what goes where, who gets what ....

This is the same agency which gave baby formula to people after Hurricane Katrina - when there was no clean water to mix it with .... eye roll here ...

FEMA is only giving help at $700+ at a time, for now, and people will have to fill out paperwork .... eye roll ... and since it is likely that most people have likely LOST any "personal identification" they likely will not qualify - for quite some time - for aid ....

And then ... it's said that ALL AID will have to be claimed on TAX FORMS as a form of INCOME ....  even if it was a grant .... the government isn't going to miss out on any of those taxes ...

Do i know any of this for sure?


not at all ....

Remember - I heard this on a SHOW ... I'm thinking it was either Garage Logic podcast or something on YouTube ... both are a daily aspect of my days.

And they are doing a really good job at getting things to where they need to go .... some have even rescued people and gotten them out ...

When FEMA comes in - the only groups they can not stop are church groups

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