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Thursday, October 03, 2024


So, I was watching Outnumbered (FNC) when they began to talke about some research group who looked at how the Vice Presidential candidates, Walz & Vance, and how they were preseved by a group of voters ....

They said, both came off as being seen in a positive light, because they didn't fight or bicker as much as Harris and Trump had ....

But the thing tha t caught their attention - the eople doing the "study" was how the women felt about the candidates ....

The study said that they women didn't trust Vance as much because of his beard .... excuse me??
Apparently, they felt the beard meant that he was rying o "hide" something .... more on this later .... and this is wrong, btw.

Walz was deemed more "trustworthy" because he opened his eyes wider when he "felt passionately" about somehing, or "wanted to get his point across" .... I'm rolling my eye's rightt now .... no it's not.

Ladies - when Walz opens his eyes wider, it's called a "Tell" .... it's a poker term .... it means he's about to tell a lie ... and it's very true ...
We have known about this in MN for a couple years now, but just can't seem to get rid of him ....
He's like the mouse in Ratatouli ...
See yesterday's post with the clip of Garage Logic - you will find, I am not the only one who see it.

Now the beard B.S. .... there was a study done at the University of Minnesota, written by Professor Charlesworth, et al .... 
I had Prof. Charlesworth as a teacher - he's a great story teller, but a lousy instructor - and he talked about this report like it was the only one he ever did (no he did do others) .... and it dealt wih men, in the 1960s or 70s wh, who had beards ....

His study concluded that children don't like men who had beards or eyeglasses .... well, the kids - they said - would cry and draw away ....

A couple things they did not mention in the study, which he DID mention in class, was that the children they used were from homes where their fathers were beardless ...
When asked about how often these children saw men from outside of the family, his answer was that they hadn't thought of asking that question.
Why is this important?
Because people are NATURALLY intimidated by people, situations, things they have had no experience with ..

Perhaps it was NOT the beard or glasses that bothered the children, perhaps it was just SOMEONE NEW.

The issue with beards is more one of EXPOSURE than with fear

I grew up in a huge family - and I was the only girl - NONE of them had a beard .... not until I was much older.

Personally, I find beards rather attractive - but not every man can pull it off ....

So - I mention this to say hooey ...
I worked in daycare ... I saw plenty of dads with beards .... pleanty of dads with glasses .... plenty of dads with both.

I, honestly, think they were simply trying to take personal quirks of the women, and use it for political fodder ....

Leave the beards alone

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