May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Okay, so I'm listening to the nes portion of Garage Logic - holy crap how horrid can I spell today! - a podcast wich I have popped onto my site a few fimes .... I like them ...

But on today's news portion, I happened to catch a story about aMN RNCer .... his in the State legislature - in fact, he's in the part which has a 1 vote Democrat seat ....

This morning on WCCO-TV, a reporter has reported that even if he resigned it wouldn't make that much of a difference, there are already 67-66 in favor of the Democrats ....

So what's his all about?

Teenage Prostitution

However, there is an "age of concent" in the state of age 16 yrs old .... that's it - I believe it was made so high schoolers can date others over the age of 18 yrs old .... however - there is no such line, that I've heard of, in the actual law which would specify that.

Personally, I say get rid of him - BUT - just like the gal being looked at for Breaking & Entering into her step-mother's house, through a BASEMENT window, wih a crowbar/aka Break-in tools, and she used the egistature to hold off on kicking her out until after the "session" (got her trial delayed until May or June) ...

So if she can do this, why can't he do this too??

Still .... he puts a chill down my back!!!!!!

I say - LOCK 'EM BOTH UP!!!

NOW ....

It may not cnage anything ..... but it will make the state feel a little better~!

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