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Thursday, March 20, 2025


Who would have thought - that owning an item, would be enough to get you killed!!!

Yup, you read that correctly ....

They are SETTING TESLA's ON FIRE .... and you will constantly hear people say "well they check inside, first" ..... but it won't be too long before NO they will not check first.

During Late Night television - they are showing newsclips of cars buring .... and the people?  Those sitting in the audience?

Those jackasses - for lack of a better term - are actually APPLAUDING the scenes!!!!

Democrats are running around and aging them on as well!!

How about we HOSE THEM DOWN!!!!

Let's get these idiots - again, lack of a better word - are acting like spoiled, brats ... who hate being told "no" by anybody - not just Trump, not just Republicans, not just Musk - they need to be .... well .... spanked .... hard!

I'm not sure exactly who it will be that will be taken down ....

But ....let's hope they understand whatt they've done.

This is bad .... really, really bad!!!

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